my favorite Christmas present…

my favorite Christmas present… December 29, 2011

… Melanie, aka The Rosary Chic, at Trendy Traditions sent me this beautiful rosary. Lookit, it even has my name on it! I was immediately struck by the Spanish style crucifix because it looks very much like the one my Abuela owns. When I asked Melanie about it she said it was hand cast from a ‘family’ rosary by a woman in Washington which makes this rosary, my rosary, truly unique.

The beads are a beautiful red, my favorite color, but most striking is the Our Lady of Guadalupe center and St. Juan Diego medal.

I’ve been asking Our Lady of Guadalupe for some special courage regarding a specific issue and I plan to use this rosary for that very purpose, to ask for her intercession.

If you are ever in need of a very special rosary, either to commemorate an event like a baptism, as a gift, or a rosary geared toward a specific saint drop her a line; Tell her what you need and she will do her best to get you a very beautiful and meaningful rosary to fit exactly what your looking for.

Thank you, Melanie, for my treasure.

ps- I also received a real proper tea set for Christmas so I no longer have to microwave a mug of water and drink my tea with the tea bag string dangling over the lip of the cup – so uncouth!

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