April 19, 2023

Grocery Store Meeting  Recently, my husband and I were grocery shopping at our neighborhood grocer. As we approached the open cashier to checkout, right in front of us was a mom with three little girls. We were quickly drawn to them, waving and saying hello to them. Each girl had her own activity gear on (baseball, tennis and ballet). We complimented mom. She quickly replied that each girl is in three different activities this spring. She further shared that between... Read more

April 12, 2023

The Person, Believers in Christ know first hand the work of the Holy Spirit in their personal lives. Here are some basics about the Holy Spirit: He is a Person. He is the third Person of the Trinity- the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He has emotions. He speaks. He guides. He corrects. He empowers. He equips. In the world we live today, the Holy Spirit is a great necessity for believers that desire nothing but to please... Read more

April 7, 2023

Origin of Your Faith The lent season is coming to a close with the remembrance of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. The celebration of Easter is the origin of our faith in God’s redemption story. Easter explains God’s amazing love behind John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Without Easter, believers in Christ have no base for their faith... Read more

March 30, 2023

Firm Foundation Building a firm foundation in scripture reading, memorization and meditation for children is a priority parents cannot take lightly in the first twelve years of children’s lives. Studying the scriptures gives children a strong base to build their lives upon. It provides protection for their minds, a steady guide for their hearts and directions for the steps they take in life.  Football Helmets  Football fans are taking a break from the just completed football season. Year after year,... Read more

March 28, 2023

Observed National Day In the United States, there is a national day called Take Your Child to Work Day. It is typically observed in the month of April. It’s a day that working parents are encouraged to take their child (children) to work, so that children can be exposed to future job possibilities and the benefits of education. Schools promote this day and use the national day to incorporate some sorts of career exploration into the school curriculum a few... Read more

March 27, 2023

Welcome It is a delight to be part of the Christianity Columnists here at Patheos. Thank you for stopping by the Thriving Life column. It is my hope and prayer that no matter who you are, this space will be an oasis of hope and encouragement for you in your parenting and life journeys.  I am a spirit-filled minister of the Gospel, with a passion for helping people with the Word of God. I grew up in a Christian home... Read more

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