Do you have challenging questions for Christians?

Do you have challenging questions for Christians? March 21, 2011

A Christian pastor wrote in at Friendly Atheist to ask for difficult questions his congregation could try to tackle in discussion groups.  He wants his flock to avoid isolating themselves from challenges (and I bet he’d like them to be better prepared for evangelizing).  I’ve had problems with the questions atheists pose to Christians (some of which seem rooted in the common misunderstandings I ran through on Friday.

I’ve summarized and linked to my Why I Do Not Believe series, which was inspired by conversations with a group of evangelists on campus.

It’d be great for some of you to post questions in the Friendly Atheist comment thread, and there’s no reason the Christian readers of this site should feel excluded.  If there’s a question you have or are often asked that you struggle with, add it to the list!

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