Book Review: Animal Lessons by Danielle MacKinnon

Book Review: Animal Lessons by Danielle MacKinnon June 26, 2017

Animal Lessons photo by Lilith Dorsey.
Animal Lessons photo by Lilith Dorsey.

People may think it odd that as a practitioner of New Orleans Voodoo and Lucumi (Santeria) I would want to review a book focusing on Animal Lessons. Written by Danielle MacKinnon, Animal Lessons : Discovering Your Spiritual Connection with Animals provides deep insight into the connection between humans and animals. I have always had a deep and abiding love for animals. My home is often filled with pets of my own and foster animals as well. I was excited to read this book.

Odd-Eyed Black Cat photo by Chris Yarzab. Licensed under CC 2.0
Odd-Eyed Black Cat photo by Chris Yarzab. Licensed under CC 2.0

Refreshingly, MacKinnon provides a unique and innovative take on working with animals. There is the section on choosing the animal you will work with on your spiritual journey. She says point blank ” the first thing to know about choosing the best animal to work with is that you can’t make a wrong choice here.” Each animal and human have their own special bond. We all have things to learn. Animal Lessons goes on to tell us that we need to identify how the animal is working with us, by fleshing out our emotions and feelings about this animal through a series of questions and exercises.

One of the most useful parts of the book is the appendix. Here she lists common animal lessons that one might be facing. Here is where the book delves into the specific differences and messages given through the animal world. MacKinnon lists common animals like the cat which she says brings the teaching  ” I am capable. I am awesome. I do things beautifully on my own.” There are also more unusual animals here as well like hyena, lemur, and opossum. Several of my clients and friends have been coming to me lately with tales of opossums in their yard, home, or campsite. According to this book the lesson these strange beasts bring is one of cleverness, willingness, and releasing expectations in order to make way for an even better reality. Animal Lessons is a great book for those beginning to understand and process the messages and wisdom of our animal friends. I definitely recommend it.

Danielle MacKinnon, MA is an esteemed faculty member at the Omega Institute, the Kripalu Center, and many other institutions. She runs the Danielle MacKinnon School of Animal Communication which has given the field of animal communication more global visibility than ever before. MacKinnon is one of the country’s most popular teachers on soul contracts, animal communication and re-connecting to your best self. You can find her online at

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