May 24, 2014

I enjoyed this movie a lot. It’s not displacing my favorites, but it was really nice. The title basically means what if there’s no tomorrow. As in, live for today. Here are my thoughts as I was watching (there will be spoilers): It’s so funny. The grandmother and her friends singing is hilarious and there’s a lot of great moments of comedic timing. There are lots of aspects of this movie to draw me in. Such as the interfaith family... Read more

May 23, 2014

The Internet is such a vast place that there are many corners never discovered and whole categories you won’t find until you get a gateway in. Thanks to a link on someone FB page, I discovered Scoop Whoop, which is a lot like Buzzfeed/Upworthy for specifically Indian things. The posts are entertaining and fun, full of gifs and intriguing titles. I’ve been really enjoying it over the last couple months. I’m delighted when I have enough cultural context to understand... Read more

May 22, 2014

A friend on Facebook sent me an article apparently written by the founder of the Baha’i faith that is meant to take down reincarnation. I had no idea the Baha’i don’t believe in reincarnation, so that was educational. The article itself, however, just reminded me again of how much misunderstanding there is around the theory of reincarnation. Those who don’t believe in it tend to have some very strange ideas about what those of us who do believe in it... Read more

May 21, 2014

EDIT: Some people have said that this post is very negative about adoption. It was not my intention to come across as super negative! My intent was to provide some counter examples to balance a media that often portrays adoption as the best thing in the world that easily solves all problems when starting a family and the most selfless choice one could make. I’ve spent the last year reading blog posts and articles about adoption and they have brought... Read more

May 20, 2014

We are doing a scripture study together: reading along through some scriptures and discussing the passages. Today is the seventh post of my favorite Upanishad: The Katha. This is the story of a boy who chatted with the God of death. Part Two Chapter I 1 Yama said: The self—existent Supreme Lord inflicted an injury upon the sense—organs in creating them with outgoing tendencies; therefore a man perceives only outer objects with them and not the inner Self. But... Read more

May 19, 2014

One of the reasons why evangelical Christians upset me so much is that they fail to understand that I’ve already tried Christianity and it broke my heart that I couldn’t be one. For people who believe that Christianity is the only true path to God, it’s impossible for them to understand how a person could actually be introduced to it, be part of it, try it, and reject it. That must be some devil work, right? The fact is, I... Read more

May 17, 2014

I had a bunch of people recommend Barfi to me and it was a good recommendation, since I actually am quite involved in disability rights and so a Hindi movie with disabled main characters plays to two of my interests! However, I didn’t really care for it. The background accordian music made it feel like it was a French farse and I kept expecting to see the Eifle tower in the background. I didn’t find Barfi himself to be all... Read more

May 16, 2014

A few weeks ago my parents went to meet a fellow named Sriram Raghavan, who is a storyteller traveling the world to bring the stories of the Mahabharata to the new generation. They listened to his presentation and bought me a copy of his book, Mahabharata for the 21st Century, complete with an audio CD of him narrating the story. The book itself is darling. It’s got lots of pictures and is just 144 pages long, making it great for... Read more

May 15, 2014

A little while back I was reading an article in defense of Lord Rama. Why in defense? Because there are those who feel uncomfortable worshiping him because of what he did to his wife. (For those unfamiliar with the story, Rama’s wife Sita is kidnapped and the story of the Ramayana is his quest to get her back. When he finally does, there is no way to fully prove that she has remained “unsullied” by her captor. Even though she... Read more

May 14, 2014

The other day we were chatting with a friend and this really interesting point came up that I immediately recognized. When you’re really immersed in a religion, sometimes you feel as though you’ve read things that you actually haven’t. Do you know what I mean? Like if you’re a Hindu in India, you’ve seen Gita quotes on bumper stickers and heard your grandmother say things from it and it’s just around you so much that you might not ever have... Read more

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