Indian Buzzfeed

Indian Buzzfeed May 23, 2014

The Internet is such a vast place that there are many corners never discovered and whole categories you won’t find until you get a gateway in.

Thanks to a link on someone FB page, I discovered Scoop Whoop, which is a lot like Buzzfeed/Upworthy for specifically Indian things. The posts are entertaining and fun, full of gifs and intriguing titles. I’ve been really enjoying it over the last couple months.

I’m delighted when I have enough cultural context to understand the humor and when I don’t, it  teaches me about new people and phrases and modern life. It’s kind of amazing how much one can learn from even an entertainment site.

I wonder what other Desi sites I’m missing. Fill me in! What are your favorite India-specific sites that Americans might not know about?

(I highly recommend 21 Works of Fiction by Indian Authors That Everyone Should Read from Scoop Whoop).

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