We can and do use the same scientifically-rigorous approaches of observation, analysis,......
By promoting increased dialogue between conflicting parties and attempting to address......
Imagine an America where 20 percent of the U.S. population openly identifies as atheist......
Setting aside our interest in arguing doctrine, even for a time, in order to embrace......
Media coverage of nonbeliever PAC shows new voting bloc has potential....
Making donors feel better about themselves for giving without having lasting impact is......
The faith exemption to vaccinations is questionable, as our children's health shouldn't......
Humanists think that the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Buddhist sutras, and......
HumanLight is about celebrating and expressing what fills our lives with love and......
Christian conservatives are either ignorant of the pluralistic society in which we live,......
Today there are many fronts in this struggle that humanists are leading in favor of......
The best course of religious freedom is to support the secular core of society....
These principles -- without any specific religious creed -- form a strong basis on which......
While America has moved away from race-based discrimination, to continue on the path......
Hopefully a time will come where people can believe what they want to believe without......
Legislatures across the nation are taking up issues that many thought were settled......
Healthcare should also work to grant patients a pain-free escape from suffering after......
Our judiciary is being subverted by partisan judges, many of whom are now actively......
The religious right clearly has a full catalog of methods being used at the state level......
Faith isn't possible for those who doubt, experiment, and accept the facts presented......
If the Church wants to stem the tide of departing members they should recognize what de......
We must all come together in order to guarantee equal treatment under the law and the......
Do you live in a different world from fundamentalists?...
We are facing a new age of fanatical conservatism and fundamentalist religion allied......
Recovery can be a difficult journey, so if you need it, pursue it with a group that......
Whether people identify with one religion or no religion at all, it's time to start......
The claim that spiritual leaders and faith-based principles here were consistently the......
Looking forward to a time when a person's religious faith is incidental to their status......
Emphasizing our present life and the lives to come is far more compelling than an......
Religious parents should not be allowed to escape prosecution for the preventable deaths......
Despite its eventual reverted language, the bill is still saturated with religious......