November 5, 2020

This election is historic in that we have a very real chance of having Kamala Harris as our next Vice President. And I am thrilled! Read more

October 30, 2020

There is room in a Witch's practice for hexing and healing for those with the will and desire. As always, the choice is up to the individual. Read more

October 28, 2020

In Entering Hekate's Garden, Dr. Cyndi Brannen may have written her best book yet. A journey into pharmakeia -- plant spirit witchcraft. Read more

October 26, 2020

Binding (unlike what some seem to believe) is preventing someone from doing harm by holding their influence or actions at bay. And Trump is doing great harm to America. Read more

October 25, 2020

Supposedly, people driving or walking along Pease Avenue might see a ghost lurking in the trees or along the road. Read more

October 23, 2020

For me, Samhain is family traditions, spooky fun, solemn remembrance, spell-craft, and divination. Samhain and Halloween intertwine as secular and spiritual holidays. Read more

October 20, 2020

Being a Witch is "on trend" in America and it is doing more to help serious practitioners than one might think. Because being "popular" means more avenues for learning, building connections, and overcoming stereotypes. Read more

October 16, 2020

I love The Book of Candle Magic by Madame Pamita. Rather than a quick intro and a list of spells, she offers detailed information that allows the practitioner to learn how to create effective candle spells on their own. Read more

October 8, 2020

And then I realized as a Witch I can do a magickal working toward protecting my Governor. Read more

October 2, 2020

Halloween has always been a celebration of spooky, for me. There is a general air of celebration that begins in October and ends mid-January. But it is 2020. As with everything, this year is different. Read more

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