Following is an important Special Announcement released by the AoftheA Health & Safety Department. Please read it carefully. Thank you.
“It has been brought to the attention of the AoftheA Health & Safety Department that the previous AoftheANews story, “Catholic Psychotherapists Identify Baffling New Condition Among Internet Users”, caused stress and confusion in the Catholic blogosphere. (In all fairness, nearly every AoftheANews story causes that, but that’s neither here nor there.) In response to this reaction, a collection of warning labels has been created to alert readers of any satire in future posts, which might lead to stress and confusion. The primary goal of Acts of the Apostasy is to entertain their readership, and not harm anyone, yet we are cognizant of the fact that not everyone desires to be entertained, or is capable of being entertained. Therefore, we feel it is only fair that readers are provided ample warning, of each and every post’s theme and intent. Thus, upon being forewarned, the reader will be able to avoid posts they will neither appreciate nor understand.
“Below are the nine warning labels developed by the AoftheA Health & Safety Department. They are asking for your input. Please indicate which ones you feel are most suitable, by ranking them on a scale of 1 to Z, with “apples” being the most effective, and “almost mostly never at all” being the least effective.
“Thank you for your participation. God bless you.”
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