Has Gordon Brown Doomed Obama?

Has Gordon Brown Doomed Obama? September 10, 2008

In a typically clumsy political maneuver by Gordon Brown, he has had to retract his endorsement of US presidential candidate Barack Obama. UK prime ministers are usually extremely careful to remain neutral in American politics. Blair, for example, was possibly the only person in the world (other than perhaps Billy Graham) who was able to be a close personal and professional friend of both George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

The Times report suggests that Brown was forced to make his climb down by the McCain camp. I wonder, however, if the man who famously decided he was giving bad luck to English sporting teams and started to stay away from international matches was possibly told in no uncertain terms by the Obama camp that they did not need his support or want it! I can’t help but wonder if the man has a “reverse Midas touch” where everything he touches does not turn to gold, but to disaster instead. If that’s true, I guess Brown’s support for Obama is good news for John McCain!

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