212: Evangelicals, Here’s How to Look for a New Church! (w/ Rod Bennett)

212: Evangelicals, Here’s How to Look for a New Church! (w/ Rod Bennett) July 12, 2023

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I’m joined by my good friend, Catholic convert, historian, and author Rod Bennett to talk about how someone looking for a new church – especially our Evangelical friends – should go about it.

Rod, a fellow convert, has some incredible perspectives on this question and talks about church unity (and shares some incredible statistics), what the ancient church looked like (and agreed upon), and the perils of finding a “biblical” church when you’re the one interpreting your own Bible. Plus, much, much more.

As always, Rod shares some brilliant takeaways that will make your head spin.

For more from Rod Bennett, check out his numerous previous appearances in the archives of the show including conversations about Catholic Witnesses to the Early Church (Episode 141) and Were the Early Christians Catholic? (Episode 089).

And check out These Twelve, Rod’s latest book from Catholic Answers Press and his author page on Amazon for all of his amazing publications.

Also check out the Popcorn Cathedral on YouTube for some incredible content.

For more, visit The Cordial Catholic. Send your feedback to cordialcatholic@gmail.com.

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