August 5, 2015

I am in a season where I am aware of blackness Brown skinned flesh unpacking in glaring white institution Bound By thoughts By words By thinking of words to the degree that I am constricted Tongue tied, hands restricted by overwhelming streams of consciousness I’d *almost* rather be sleeping because dreams block out death block carnage block bullshit, toxic politic and wondering if my black life is seen as less than that of beasts or the unborn I am awake and breathing mouth wide open... Read more

July 22, 2015

I wrote this piece a few weeks back but I’ve had a number of conversations since I ‘penned’ this that have made very clear to me that this is for so many of you who are in a place of transition. If no one else tells you this know that it’s ok to be in flux with your beliefs. We are constantly growing and learning and that means you will experience times of your thoughts being under construction. Wrestle, pause, research,... Read more

June 5, 2015

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29 The last few months have been interesting ones to be a spectator of religious folk – especially those identifying as Christians. There have been a number of things that have happened around the world that elicited response from Christians (as they should have). MY challenge is that an uncomfortable... Read more

May 21, 2015

"Through acts of faith, they toppled kingdoms, made justice work, [and] took the promises for themselves." Are you ready to act? Read more

May 19, 2015

“I feel like a weirdo and kind of out of place with everyone else. I’m not talking about that ~*super christian*~ feeling either where you’re not like the world. That’s just how I feel in general. But then again, not being apart of [a] puzzle has always been what makes me special.” — Erika Renée I was sitting around, passing the time on the internetz when I saw a friend post this statement on Facebook and it spoke to me. In... Read more

May 13, 2015

This prayer by Elizabeth of the Trinity really spoke to me. May I grow to love God as fervently as her when she was on this side of eternity. Read more

May 11, 2015

  I had a conversation with my best friend last night. After hearing me gripe and bitch and moan about something that was troubling me,  my bestie said something that gave me pause. She noted that it wasn’t problem A or situation B that was the issue but we were entering a territory where I don’t trust God. I could’ve gone on about how of course I trust God. How could I not because God is….well, God. I could’ve quoted scriptures like Hebrews 11:... Read more

April 26, 2015

Eyes heavy, Spirit fed So different Pause I think about my past Passion, Fire, Prophetic Voice Having no true north Effective for the season but ungrounded See children speak from sources passed onto them Saying foolish, feeble things because secondhand, threadbare theology is what they put on Now I see how ill-fitting those old garments were Because He who provides is dressing me Spirit of the Living God My personal tailor Lifting hems, Dropping waists, Adjusting the seams So this... Read more

April 26, 2015

This wkd I was fortunate enough to spend time with my #trans4m fam. Here's a prayer I offered for them. Read more

April 5, 2015

Jesus, As I sit here in reflection of what resurrection means, I just want to say thank you. Read more

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