I’m pleased to report that Neo-Paganism.org is now Neo-Paganism.com ! Come by and check it out. I’m hopeful that this will bring even more seekers to our community. There have been two dozen new pages added to the site recently. And we’re continually adding new entries to the Neo-Paganism Timeline, which is now approaching 500 entries, dating from the late 18th century to the present. Also, we’re still in the “Beta testing” mode, so please leave your comments and suggestions regarding any of the content, especially on the Neo-Paganism Timeline. It’s been brought to my attention that the Timeline has a U.S., and even a West Coast, bias. So we’re especially looking for information about Neo-Paganism in the Midwest and East Coast, and especially from outside the U.S.

In the next few months, I will be posting here several entries from Neo-Paganism.com. As I perceive it, Neo-Paganism exists at the intersection of an esoteric Self-centric Paganism (inspired by Wicca) and an exoteric earth-centered Paganism (inspired by the environmental movement). So I will be posting two series of articles, one on Neo-Paganism as a “nature religion”, and another on Neo-Paganism as a “mystery religion”. I hope to draw a lot of thoughtful discussion that will enrich our Patheos community and improve the Neo-Paganism.com site.