The Bonfire Sessions: Winter, Now Available

The Bonfire Sessions: Winter, Now Available January 20, 2021

Hey friends, readers, hate followers, shit talkers, podcast listeners, and everyone in between! The 4th volume of The Bonfire Sessions series of booklets is now available on Kindle for only 99 cents. I’d be super happy if you checked it out. As of writing this, it’s the number 1 new release in one of its categories, and the early reviews are super encouraging.

Here’s what the booklet is all about:

The Bonfire Sessions: Winter is a thought-provoking booklet that discusses: what happens to friends and family when you deconstruct your faith, whether or not conversations such as these are actually important, the divisiveness of American politics, and how Michael is handling his cancer diagnosis.

With rawness and vulnerability, as well as a large dose of salty language, this set of conversations delivers quite a punch. Sometimes funny, sometimes profound, but always honest, the two hosts of The Bonfire Sessions podcast come together to deliver the fourth in a collection of four booklets that will be sure to challenge your heart, soul, and mind. So, pour your favorite drink and fill your long-stemmed pipe, and get ready for some high-quality fellowship.

Click the picture to get your hands on a copy, and we hope you enjoy the read.

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