April 12, 2018

Omar, my then eight-year-old grandson, was detained at an airport in Philadelphia in January of 2010. Omar is autistic. They were getting on a flight to go to Disney World when Omar got taken aside at the airport and was placed in a holding area. It got worse from there. Read more

April 10, 2018

Gender segregation has psychological implications that in most cases have nothing to do with observing implicit modesty codes, but of sexualizing our spaces. The fastest way to undermine a person’s capacity to self-regulate is to micromanage their movements by invoking God as your ally. Read more

April 5, 2018

What if the coverage and public discussion of Autism Awareness Month were to resemble that of Women’s History Month? Social media posts and local news articles would no longer feature employers bragging about hiring an autistic person for menial labor. Read more

March 30, 2018

But the underdog narrative is also larger than basketball. It resonates at a moment when galvanized high school students challenge the intimidating pro-gun lobby, as immigrants seek to preserve their dreams and as Democratic candidates look for votes in red states. Read more

March 29, 2018

They include refugee women fleeing war and violence, carrying a child through days and weeks of unbearable conditions, and women in never-ending poverty working tirelessly in the most difficult of conditions to make sure there is food on the table, no matter how meager. Read more

March 27, 2018

But how then, do Evangelicals and other faith groups justify supporting various candidates whose moral underpinnings may clash with their religious teachings? Time and time again our two-party systems’ goal of reaching the broadest coalition possibly makes for nonsensical or difficult partnerships. Read more

March 9, 2018

In stage five you will realize that you can only move forward by moving backward. But, this time you will not do it out of love or fear of heaven or hell but out of true love for God. Read more

March 8, 2018

Women’s liberation is defined as a movement to combat sexual discrimination and to gain full legal, economic, vocational, educational and social rights and opportunities for women, equal to those of men. The women’s liberation movement started by Islam transformed women’s lives from degrading slavery and submission to enlightenment and empowerment. Read more

March 2, 2018

We can’t turn this world into one we had before horseless carriages and the Internet, but we can make our smaller world a better one. Read more

February 26, 2018

White supremacist (militia) groups like Republic of Florida are seeking more publicity, as evidenced by falsely connecting to the latest school shooting. Why is this country ignoring them? Read more

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