Joey Cochran (Th.M., Dallas Seminary; Ph.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) teaches at Purdue University, Northwest.
He is the author of Jonathan Edwards and Hebrews (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2025), which the Yale Jonathan Edwards Studies articles “Jonathan Edwards’s Harmonic Interpretation of Hebrews 12:22–24” and “Jonathan Edwards and His World of Harmony” introduce this work. He is also the author of the forthcoming Brand Evangelicals (Brazos Press, 2026).
In addition to expertise on Jonathan Edwards, Cochran has research interests across the Atlantic World, which include transatlantic histories of witch-hunting, Indigenous contact between Natives and colonial New England missionaries, transatlantic revivalism and evangelical history, and the long history of American intellectual thought. He has contributed to Fides et Historia, The Bulletin of Ecclesial Theology, and Christianity Today.