December 19, 2014

We have been looking for every single opportunity to get shit-faced from the very first moment we dropped from the trees and discovered that our hands would be perfect for holding a beer stein. Read more

November 21, 2014

Here's where you put on the big-girl panties and paddle into unknown waters. And yeah, you may have to whack him with your oar. Read more

October 24, 2014

The lowest part of Hell, level 9, is reserved for "Treacherous Fraud". For those of you playing along at home, up just one floor on level 8 - is "Simple Fraud" - where you will find the Magicians and Astrologers. Our eternal punishment is to have our "heads twisted round", (though this chiropractic procedure may be covered by your insurance plan.) Read more

April 4, 2014

What will Paganism look like in 50 years? Oh, I dunno.....maybe a whole lot of squeaky wheels endlessly debating minutiae while the majority of the masses are out communing with the fey in the woods, or dancing naked around bonfires at the beach? Just a guess. Read more

March 17, 2014

So, please, go drink a bucket of green beer tonight. Pretend you made it all the way through “Finnegan’s Wake”. Talk like the ‘lucky charms’ leprechaun until you puke in your plastic shamrock hat. Read more

March 15, 2014

You can do all the CASTING in the world, but the only way to really test out the spell in this situation would be to jump out of a perfectly good airplane and just hope it had all worked out for the Highest Good on the way down. Read more

February 9, 2014

Valentines Day is a Hallmark Holiday whose purpose is redundant to those who are partnered and damned depressing to those who are not. It is a celebration of Earthly love that is sponsored by a Saint. Oh the irony. Read more

December 26, 2013

This is the worlds longest 140 page book, and reading it has left me constipated because I keep going to sleep and falling off the toilet. Read more

December 5, 2013

If you measure from the center of the Earth, then the Andes are taller than either the Himalayas or Hawai'i, because the Earth bulges considerably around its middle. (And not just during the Winter holidays.) Read more

November 26, 2013

Family. Oy. George Burns once said that "Everyone should have a big, loving family - in another city." But you have to deal with them eventually. Cuz, you know, you love them. Read more

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