The Church That Talked About Sex (Part 2)

The Church That Talked About Sex (Part 2) May 23, 2023

Idea #1: Offer to create a working group at your church.

The church pastor or director of community/family ministry will often be too busy to take on one more thing. But if you as a trusted lay leader offer to form a group to brainstorm, they may take you up on it. If they do, pull together an approved, trusted group of people who care about marriage, are willing to brainstorm on the topic of sexual intimacy, will report back to leadership with potential next steps, and then have the capacity and wisdom to help implement what the church leaders decide.

The working group can explore questions like:

  • What does our church body need in this area?
  • What might that look like for our church?
  • How can we include young people in the conversation to help them form biblical views?
  • What are the specific next steps for this working group?
  • Once we are ready … what are our specific next-step recommendations for the church?


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