What Wives Need Most From Their Husbands (Part 2)

What Wives Need Most From Their Husbands (Part 2) March 5, 2024

This is the final installment of a multi-part series on what our spouses need, but may not always articulate. In the first and second articles, we focused on what most husbands need. Last week and this week, we peer into the secret, inner longings of most women. 

Men, are you starting to see your wife in a new light after reading last week’s article? Did listening, helping, and simple, non-sexual physical affection seem like they’re more within reach in the “everydayness” of your relationship? 

This week, we’re going to dive deep into what may be the most vulnerable corners of your wife’s heart. As with last week, you will see some ultra-practical action steps, based on twenty years of rigorous research with more than 20,000 women for our books like For Men Only. But I also want to help you understand your wife. The ultimate goal is for you to love each other in ways that help each of you feel loved, and cultivate deeper levels of intimacy in your marriage. 

So keeping in mind that these are statistical generalizations and there are always exceptions, let’s build on last week’s Emotional Needs 1, 2 and 3. Let’s go inside your wife’s heart to the places she may have a hard time telling you about even if you’ve been married for decades. 


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