January 5, 2021

If you missed any of these posts the first time around, here is your chance to get caught up! Read more

December 30, 2020

Well, friends, the finish line is in sight and we’re about to break the tape. We are this close to completing the tumultuous year of 2020. But before we cross the finish line, swap high fives, and step into the fresh new year of 2021, let’s take a few minutes to look back and count our 2020 blessings. Yes, 2020 has gotten a reputation as the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year. But there were blessings. Because no matter... Read more

December 24, 2020

Most of us, this year, are far more aware of our utter need for God than ever before. One word captures it all. Emmanuel. “God with us.” Read more

December 17, 2020

Instead of spending your time and money getting people more stuff, plan to give something a little more personal, much less expensive, and powerfully transforming this year. Read more

December 15, 2020

Sometimes we long for change in our lives but we just can’t seem to make it happen. And sometimes changes we don’t want are forced upon us. The pandemic alone has dramatically altered many aspects of our lives: work, school, church and home. And we might be surprised at where we’ve landed, either temporarily or for good. But wherever you find yourself right now, God put you there for a reason. He has a purpose for you. I’d like to... Read more

December 9, 2020

If you or your church are pondering whether to do a money management course in January (such as a Dave Ramsey or Crown Financial class), I want to propose a completely new idea for you: We’ve been doing money management programs in the wrong order! Nearly every such program starts with teaching and encouraging the technical elements of money management – how to budget, get out of debt, and so on. But the vast majority of couples – 77%! –... Read more

December 3, 2020

I’ve often written about the importance of generosity and sacrifice in creating thriving personal relationships. They are also critical in shaping how we view our world –and softening our hearts to something we may not have seen before. I want to give you a real-world example of generosity and sacrifice—and encourage you to join in a worthy cause if you are looking for an amazing Christmas present (or three!) this year. Jeff and I have a close friend from our... Read more

November 25, 2020

Dear Friends, Yep, it’s official. I was sick all last week and received my lab results back on Friday night with the news that I have COVID-19. It has been quite a journey, as I have been pretty sick for most of the past week and although slightly better now, it seems to be a lingering type of illness. But while this can be troublesome, I am also very aware that there is a command in scripture that says we are... Read more

November 19, 2020

When you make the effort to understand and honor your spouse’s unique perspective and values you’ll give—and receive—a gift much greater than money can buy. Read more

November 17, 2020

When your husband’s mood turns a bit icy when you ask him certain questions, you can feel the chill, but do you know why he’s responding in that way? Read more

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