Your Weekend Astrology Romance Forecast, January 6-8, 2017

Your Weekend Astrology Romance Forecast, January 6-8, 2017 January 5, 2017

weekends romance 2With the Sun conjunct Pluto in effect this weekend, you’re likely to be just a little more insistent than usual about getting what you want, whether it’s in your love life or otherwise… and with the two planets most associated with love and/or sex (Venus and Mars) both hanging out with Neptune in Pisces, there may not be a whole lot of realism going around. But hey — is romance supposed to be all that realistic? Try to sit back and carefully calculate whether or not your romance goals this weekend are really all that practical and/or realistic. Then get out and go crazy with it!

FRIDAY: The Moon is in Taurus, which is often considered to be a Moon at its sensuous best. Instead of a raucous party atmosphere, think “comfort food” and cozy surroundings.

SATURDAY: Venus moves ever closer to her meeting with Neptune… but the Moon (still in Taurus) is Void of Course for the evening. That means you’ll have better luck overall cultivating an existing situation rather than trying to start things up with a first date.

SUNDAY: In the late afternoon/evening, the Moon moves into Gemini. If the slow and steady nature of Moon in Taurus isn’t your style, chat someone up or get out and circulate. Later in the evening, the Moon approaches a square to Venus, which may not be a terribly stable aspect — but it’s great for setting up plans for later.


Want more love life tips from the sky? Check out the Venus in Pisces forecast!

CLICK HERE for your January general forecast!

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