November 16, 2015

Academic freedom is inextricably bound to the obligation of academic rigor. Educators have a responsibility to the truth, not just to their personal opinions, and they have a responsibility to their students. Read more

November 15, 2015

If we as a civilization want our groove back, I know Who has it. And she is not about to put up with any of your trans- or bi- or homo-phobic blather, misogyny, or ignorant hateful nonsense. Read more

November 9, 2015

In Asfidity & Madstones: A Further Ramble through Hillfolks' Hoodoo, Byron Ballard has hit her stride. Read more

October 15, 2015

There's a new Faery website up. Read more

September 4, 2015

I am not saying that there is not an urgent need for re-enchantment, re-wilding, resurrection. There is. I am saying that you need to get over the idea that it's all about you. Or us. Read more

August 14, 2015

Music is magic. Magic is power. Black Lives Matter. Read more

June 24, 2015

I’m going to be on Jason Mankey’s podcast “Raise the Horns Radio” here in a few minutes!  Follow the link.   UPDATE:  You can listen to the archived podcast here.  Note:  There’s 18 minutes of music before the actual podcast starts.  I talked about Faery, hoodoo, and revolution. You know, the usual. Read more

June 23, 2015

I really wanted to love this book.  I love Jane Eyre!  And I read it in graduate school!  And I love mythology!  And comparative literature!  And archetypes!  I was excited. I do not love it.  I like the premise…and was pretty sold on it once I realized I fit the pattern she describes of the Aletis….Difficult childhood, misfit as a young woman, married the wrong husband, left him, then wandered around a bit until learning how to be my true... Read more

June 20, 2015

I am no Eudora Welty, but I do know the voice of such a man. And so do you. Read more

June 18, 2015

What support we have, ought to be given where it is most needed. Read more

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