7 Quick Takes Friday!

7 Quick Takes Friday! December 16, 2011

Oh my gosh oh my gosh OH MY GOSH!

My husband is coming home this weekend.

He’s coming home for good.

He’ll be here Monday.



And he’s offered to take the night shift on Monday night!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sleep. All I can think about is glorious, uninterrupted sleep. Sleep which shall not be shattered by my son’s inexplicable refusal to sleep like a normal human being. Sleep in which I shall have a dream that I get to see the end of. (Don’t you hate not seeing the ends of your dreams? That drives me crazy.)

Some of You
may think me, ah, horrible for allowing my husband to take the night shift after driving from Las Vegas. 
Some of you might be right. (Although his mom is flying out there and driving back with him, so it’s not like he has to make the whole drive alone. They’ll switch off.)
Some of you also might not have spent the last four months virtually being a single mother. 
All I Have To Say
is that I now have unparalleled respect for real single mothers. I do NOT know how they do it. I mean, wow. It’s not even so much the help at night or around the house or with the disciplining…it’s just those invaluable, precious hours at night when you have another adult with whom to speak. 
Granted, I have been living with the Coach and Sasha Feroce, so I’ve had adults with whom to speak, but it’s not exactly the same as having a husband. 
I miss the Ogre. 
Oh! Also!
Military wives. Military wives are my heroes. I have a few friends whose husbands are in the military, and I am in AWE of them. (Yeah, I’m talking to you, Catherine and Lauren.) 
Seriously, though. I mean, my husband has been holed up studying. His career has been on the line, but not his life. It takes a woman made of something amazing to face that with courage and grace. 
I don’t actually know how to transition from those three quick takes to anything else, so here, use your imagination. 
*Insert seamless and perfectly executed transition here*
Good job!
that was an excellent transition. You guys have awesome imaginations.
Speaking of Awkward Things
Please tell me that you’ve clicked over to Awkward Family Photos
If you haven’t, you must. It is hysterical. You have never seen awkward until you’ve seen these.

Oh Yeah

Not actually the Coach, but a coach who wears the same colors as the coach and sort of the same facial expressions

and speaking of other awkward things, the Coach took me out for drinks last night.

Awkwardly enough, me, the person who loves going out for drinks, felt horrible last night. I went, but I only managed to choke down one beer before confessing that I felt wretched and absolutely could not drink anymore.

The Coach called me any number of colorful adjectives before expressing his eternal disappointment in me for failing as his wingman. I actually felt really guilty.

And now he’s never going to let me live it down.

But I’m only mentioning this not-even-tangentially related anecdote because the Coach feels that he is not featured in my blog enough and insisted that as payment for him letting me live in his house, I have to write a blog post about him once a month.

All this, just to say, prepare yourself. Come January, you’re going to be reading a blog post about the strange and hysterical exploits of my brother-in-law, also known as The Coach.

I’m really sorry. But he did let me live in his house.

So that’s it for today. Go and see Jen for more quick takes!

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