I Bow Before the Porcelain God…

I Bow Before the Porcelain God… February 22, 2012

…pretty much every day now. In July of 2010, when I started this blog, I was indeed both pregnant and barefoot. But since August 11 of 2010, I haven’t been.

I am now. Again.

And let me tell you, I don’t know how I survive first trimesters. The first trimester, for me, is never a time of funny little cravings and mild nausea in the morning. No, my friends, the first trimester is a time of vomit. Day in, day out. This time, just for kicks, I’ve also gotten a hefty dose of “benign positional vertigo” to go along with it. Yay.

Minion the Fourth is due at the beginning of October, putting me nearly at 8 weeks. So just 6 more weeks, basically the duration of Lent, and I’ll be crawling pathetically out of the wreckage of the first trimester and into the other, much more pleasant parts of pregnancy. I feel that the first trimester is quite enough to take on for Lent, don’t you agree? (Please say yes.)

So if my posting is a bit spotty and less coherent than usual for these next few weeks, forgive me. It’s probably because my mind is occupied with ginger, lemon and other sure-fire non-cures for “morning sickness.”

(All those who’d like to join me in petitioning that the misleading term “morning sickness” be stricken from the pregnancy vocabulary and replaced with something more apt, like “all-day-sickness unto-death”, please say “aye”.)

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