This Fox News Star Left the Career She Loved. Why? (Brace Yourselves, Feminists!)

This Fox News Star Left the Career She Loved. Why? (Brace Yourselves, Feminists!) January 5, 2015


Feminists, brace yourself.

This woman loved her job, but something was even more important.

Molly Henneberg worked at Fox News for 13 years. She had “the best job in the world” and loved her career. But one day she decided to walk away, because she loved one thing even more — her daughter, Jacquelyn.

The reason was simple – Jacquelyn was starting preschool, and she wanted to be able to drive her to and from school! “Not a lot of people say that dropping off and pick-up at preschool is a turning point in their lives. For me it was,” she says.

Molly didn’t want to leave her job, but she wanted to be a bigger part of her daughter’s life. Her husband supported her decision, and she says her life is more in balance now. She knows her daughter better, and she thinks Jacquelyn is growing better since she decided to put her first.

Molly said there are plenty of examples of women making this difficult decision, but they don’t often get a voice. Women who sacrifice their families for a career are applauded instead.

Lots of decisions of motherhood are difficult. And moms who make the best decisions for their children, whether that means staying home or working, should be celebrated!  I would LOVE to stay home with Tripp!

Hear more of what Molly Henneberg had to say about her decision: Watch an interview at the Daily Caller here. I especially appreciate how she says that her choice was the best for her family – other families make different choices of what is best for their own situation, and it’s all good! The important thing is that they are able to choose what’s best for their children.

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