A Texas Man Got Fed Up with Paying Taxes – You Won’t Believe What He Did to Get Back at Tax Collectors!

A Texas Man Got Fed Up with Paying Taxes – You Won’t Believe What He Did to Get Back at Tax Collectors! February 9, 2015

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Nobody likes paying taxes.  This guy in Texas decided to get back at the tax collectors.

Timothy Norris went to pay his property taxes, in cash. In one-dollar bills. Each folded in a complicated origami pattern.

They would take six minutes EACH to unfold… or a total of 3600 minutes or 60 hours to unfold all 600 bills. If you think that’s bad, just imagine how much time he spent folding all of them!

The tax office didn’t really appreciate his payment method. So they asked him to leave. There’s nothing illegal about paying your taxes in cash, so they said he was “disrupting the operation and efficiency of the tax office.”

Well, Norris didn’t want to leave without a receipt – which required the money be counted. It seems he got a little upset and ended up being arrested.

I can’t decide if this guy is brilliant or a jerk, but I think his actions show the underlying discontent Americans have over paying money to a government agency bent on destroying large groups of us.

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