5 times Carly Fiorina slammed Donald Trump before she was considered for a cabinet position

5 times Carly Fiorina slammed Donald Trump before she was considered for a cabinet position December 15, 2016

4. “He has a problem with women”

In that same MSNBC interview, Fiorina, whose face was criticized by Trump during the election, was convinced he is very sexist toward women:

“You know, I think Donald Trump clearly has a problem with women. Clearly. I mean, the week we had a terrorist attack in Brussels, he attacked Heidi Cruz.”

That was a reference to Trump comparing the looks of his wife Melania with that of Mrs. Cruz which started a bitter battle between the Trump and Cruz camps. So, after the implication that both Fiorina and Heidi Cruz are ugly, Trump is now a “champion.” Because, logic?

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