5 times Carly Fiorina slammed Donald Trump before she was considered for a cabinet position

5 times Carly Fiorina slammed Donald Trump before she was considered for a cabinet position December 15, 2016

5. “Donald Trump should step down as the nominee”

In the month before the election, Fiorina’s ire towards Trump reached a fever pitch as she asked him to step down as the nominee and allow Gov. Mike Pence to replace him. She posted to Facebook:

Donald Trump does not represent me or my party. I understand the responsibility of Republicans to support their nominee. Our nominee has weighty responsibilities as well. Donald Trump has manifestly failed in these responsibilities.

I have traveled the country for years warning Americans that Hillary Clinton is unfit to be President.

We must have a conservative in the White House to restore accountability, opportunity and security. For the sake of our Constitution and the rule of law, we must defeat Hillary Clinton.

Today I ask Donald Trump to step aside and for the RNC to replace him with Gov. Mike Pence.

But NOW he’s a “champion.”

Click CONTINUE to see Fiorina gush about her new favorite person:

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