When Teen Vogue columnist Lauren Duca heard about the death of Billy Graham, she tweeted this message: “have fun in hell.” Here’s her message:
The big news today is that Billy Graham was still alive this whole time. Anyway, have fun in hell, bitch.
— Lauren Duca (@laurenduca) February 21, 2018
Then, after being criticized for her terrible message, she tweeted this:
“Respecting the dead” only applies to people who weren’t evil pieces of shit while they were living, thanks.
— Lauren Duca (@laurenduca) February 21, 2018
This retweet might provide some insight into why she didn’t like the evangelist, “Hi, I won’t mince words on this: I was a queer kid raised in a household who loved Billy Graham. Billy Graham was an evil, horrible, hateful man who celebrated the deaths of queer people.”
Hi, I won’t mince words on this: I was a queer kid raised in a household who loved Billy Graham. Billy Graham was an evil, horrible, hateful man who celebrated the deaths of queer people.
— Ana Mardoll (@AnaMardoll) February 21, 2018
Of course, there’s no way on earth that’s true. Graham was a man of love. But then, as if to put a finer point on this, Duca added this message, “Billy Graham called being gay ‘a sinister form of perversion,’ and floated the idea that “AIDS is a punishment from God.” If hell is real, that’s exactly where he’s headed.” Here’s her tweet:
The Fox article and segment on my stupid tweet are really miraculous in their bad-faith consternation. Billy Graham called being gay “a sinister form of perversion,” and floated the idea that “AIDS is a punishment from God.” If hell is real, that’s exactly where he’s headed. pic.twitter.com/2hF6aD2gr7
— Lauren Duca (@laurenduca) February 22, 2018
You may know that Graham was 99 years old when he passed away at his North Carolina home after a life well-lived. Here are some photos my mom posted to Instagram after he passed, with a much better message: Saddened to hear of Billy Graham’s passing, but joy-filled knowing he is “home” as he’s said, “My home is in heaven. I’m just traveling through this world.”
Here’s when Trig got to meet the famed evangelist:
And also my grandparents — my mom’s parents — got to meet him too!
I’m thankful for a good man like Billy Graham. It’s a shame that people like Lauren Duca can’t see past their politics to recognize true virtue.
Image Credit: Hanbyul❤ on Flickr