Oh my gosh, this is crazy!
Franciscan University posted a series of ads on Facebook Friday to promote some of its online theology programs, but it says one of them was rejected because it included the Crucifixion of Christ on the San Damiano Cross.
The Catholic university in Steubenville, Ohio sent out a tweet on Friday saying its ad was rejected for content that is “shocking, sensational, and excessively violent.”
Can you believe that? Facebook has recently come under attack for their inherent bias against conservatives, but this takes the bias to a completely different level. But the response of the Catholic university is just priceless:
“An ad we placed was rejected by Facebook today for content that is “shocking, sensational, and excessively violent,” said the tweet, which included a link to a blog post.”We must agree with them.”
They go on to say that the crucifixion of Christ is unbearably shocking. In a wonderful blog post, they explained why they agreed with the social media giant even though they think the image should be able to be seen far and wide:
And it was certainly excessively violent: a man scourged to within an inch of his life, nailed naked to a cross and left to die, all the hate of all the sin in the world poured out its wrath upon his humanity.
“but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews, an absurdity to Gentiles. But to those who are called, both Jew and Gentile, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 1:23-24)
As Father Mike Schmitz points out in today’s #ShareJesus message, it was not the nails that held Jesus to the cross: he was God, he could have descended from the Cross at any moment. No, it was love that kept him there. Love for you and for me, that we might not be eternally condemned for our sins but might have life eternal with him and his Father in heaven.
This is sensational, this is shocking. This is only possible because of the excessive violence that he endured for us.
“He was despised and rejected of men.” It was ever thus and will ever be, for those who do not see with the eyes of faith, and love with a love unquenchable.
In this beautiful post, Franciscan University showed both the love of Christ and the shocking nature of the gospel. Better than any ad could’ve done anyway.
Image Credit: Twitter Screen Cap
Hat Tip: Free Beacon