Catholic Thoughts of Patheos Catholic

Catholic Thoughts of Patheos Catholic September 2, 2020

I got into a FB conversation with an individual I’ll call Joe Trad. Joe Trad said this when he found out I wrote for Patheos.

“I hope your well-formed conscience helped you realize that Patheos is one of the worst places to find Catholic thought.

Oh, I see you’re a Patheos writer. That explains a lot.

If you think Patheos has good Catholic content, then I’m not entirely sure you know what Catholicism is. I don’t doubt your sincerity. I doubt your own understanding of our faith. I’m not judging your subjective faith. I am however posing a question as regards your understanding of the objective content of the faith, something that can have very serious ramifications and certainly has affects your subjective faith sooner or later. Consider it not a judgement, but a warning from a fellow Catholic in love.”

When anyone ever says this I would like to remind them that Patheos Catholic is not a journal with some single kind of fixed focus. We are a group of independent diverse writers who for the most part, are in line with magisterial teaching. I always try to tell people this, but they usually seem to only read those blogs they disagree with. There are 90 plus blogs on the site and over 30 active ones and they concentrate on how many? 5 or so.

And then they say the whole thing is terrible rot through with heresy, modernism and lukewarmness. You could publish six posts  talking about saints, sacraments, the church fathers, and devotion to Mary but the readers will ignore them and go straight to any anti Trump post to howl about heresy. I’m not popular enough to be really disliked all that much. Although some people do read me, including my good friend Jackson (who was a guest writer) and a pretty popular Catholic apologist. I was actually shocked this person reads me. I’m talking big time.  I’m also told I was mentioned in someone’s radio program. So there is hope yet for me to rise in the ranks.

So here is a quick look into what I consider some quotable examples of the catholicity of Patheos Catholic.  Fellow Patheos Writers and fans of the site, use this as an example of our writing if any one ever accuses Patheos Catholic  of not being Catholic enough. All the writers are baptized (I assume confirmed) Catholics who regularly participate in the sacraments such as confession and Eucharist or have received the sacrament of marriage or holy orders. Some are converts and have a degree in some form of theology or who work in the world of Catholicism in some way shape or form. Many lead  a life of prayer in some form or other.  And I have never seen a post disrespecting our current pope.  So it might be a little long, but it’s packed with good Catholic thought. So Enjoy….

All the writers listed below appeared in my Getting to Know Patheos Writer posts...

Fish in Greek is ichthus. It actually has five letters in Greek:
i (Greek letter iota)
x (chi)
0 (with horizontal slash in the middle) (theta)
u (upsilon)
s (sigma)

This was perhaps the original acronym: each letter stood for something else, which is why the fish was the Christian symbol (even before the cross, as I understand it).

i = Iesous = Jesus = Greek transliteration of the Hebrew Joshua
x = Christos = Christ = Messiah = literal meaning anointed
0 = Theos = God (“0” is the “th” sound; root of theology)
u = Huios = Son
s = Soter = Savior (root of soteriology)

Early Christians thus quickly identified each other (in those dangerous times) by use of the fish symbol. In so doing, they were saying they believed in “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.” It was the first Christian “creed,” so to speak.
Dave Armstrong “Xmas” & the Christian “Fish”: Etymology & History (December 23, 2016) Biblical Evidence for Catholicism @ Patheos Catholic

Remember, Celtic spirituality is the spirituality of the edge of the world. It’s the spirituality that stands on windswept rocky shores, gazing westward to the open, stormy sea. It acknowledges that “edge” place in our hearts where time meets eternity, where words fade off into silence, and where heaven silently gazes into the turmoil of earthly life.

And we are always invited to gaze back, to gaze out of the chaos and the tensions and the paradoxes of our lives, into the silence, into the deep waters of eternity.
Carl McColman At the Edge of Waiting — A Celtic Approach to Contemplation (June 9, 2017) A Contemplative Faith @ Patheos Contemplation

Sometimes time flies faster than the speed of light and you suddenly realize
a week has past
or even a month.
You work,
you pray
and you help others,
and you spend time with your family
then you tweet about it
then time keeps flying
before you know it
eternity will be yours. 
Kristin Wilson CatholicBard @BardCatholic
As I was contemplating something pithy  to say about contemplating the Beatific Vision in Heaven, My co-worker started yelling at me about something stupid. My next thoughts were ‘Your interrupting my contemplation about my next blog post.”  And then the short thought I was thinking about turned into something longer and more complex. I may or may not write it, but ideas and catechetical lessons abound if you have a well tuned mindset that looks for things and topics to write about.
Mark Wilson Catholic Bard @ Patheos Catholic

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