2019/2020 Catholic Book List

2019/2020 Catholic Book List December 2, 2020

There are more authors producing books then I will ever have time to read.  There is always someone writing something interesting, inspiring and informational, but I don’t have the attention span to finish most books, let alone the money to spend on them. Yet I like to learn about who is out there writing and publishing what. Because I am Catholic I like to know who is out there sharing their Catholic faith through the medium of books.

I also like to make lists. I explained that in detail in this article. I have this list of Catholic authors that I made and I wanted to find out what new and recent books they have published in the last couple of years. That is namely 2019/2020 This book list is the result of that research.

I have listed the books first by year, then by the author’s last name or in a few cases by a saint’s or pope’s name.  I have added a few descriptions on a few books but have mostly just left the titles which usually tell you what to expect in the book.  I didn’t want this to be too long. I thought about doing it categorically, but seeing I started out doing it alphabetically I decided to leave it as it was so I could venture onto other writing projects. I have not included links to most books. If you find a title you like, look it up on goodreads or amazon.

I’m sure there are more good books I could have put in here. I’m sure I will get suggestions. I will probably revise this list from time to time. I have included mostly theological, apologetic, and spiritual books. There are also devotional, Catholic woman centric, challenging, prayerful and change your life type of books. There are even a few children and Catholic fiction books. Some authors have written multiple books on this list because they just can’t stop writing.

I have tried to leave out books that are anti-Francis, anti-Vatican 2, and anti Novus Ordo mass. This includes authors listed here…

Pope Francis Finally Close To Finishing Bible

There are some books that talk about challenging and tough issues such as hell, spiritual warfare, demons and what some deem a Crisis in the Church.  There is even a book on the Latin Mass. I think it is good to have a balance of Catholic writing with different perspectives as long as they stick within the boundaries of orthodoxy and charity. It’s good be challenged but also people have only  so much time in the day to devout to reading. If you are prone to scrupulous thinking by certain topics, like I am, you can skip those books and go onto something else that helps you grow in faith and love of Christ and neighbor. You don’t have to ignore certain ideas but you don’t have to engage them fully either. Plenty of topics. Plenty of books. Plenty of ways to love God.

You will find popular familiar Catholic authors. You will find authors I have mentioned in other posts. You will find authors you like and some you passionately dislike. Some will probably say,

“Hey what are they doing on this list? There a heretical moderest liberal commie cotton headed ninny muggin scruffy looking nerf herder who are a part of the deep state of the church funded by George Soros who was a teen jewish Nazi officer during world war 2.”

As far as I know, there is nothing in this list that goes against Catholic teaching.

“If I should say anything that is not in conformity with what is held by the Holy Roman Catholic Church, it will be through ignorance and not through malice. This may be taken as certain, and also that, through God’s goodness, I am, and shall always be, as I always have been, subject to her.”-St. Teresa of Avila

I have plans for perhaps more book lists of books from other years and perhaps by category.

I mention this one book by Thomas Howard written outside of 2019/2020 because he died in 2020. This book showcases a variety of his writing and gives you an overview of it.

The Night Is Far Spent (2007) by Thomas Howard, Vivian W. Dudro (Compiler)

THE NIGHT IS FAR SPENT | EWTN Religious Catalogue

For a somewhat organized list of Catholic Books before 2019/2020 click on my book list The Rites of Write(ing). It Groups authors in batches of 12 for easy reference.

So I hope you find this list useful and that you find or re-discover an exciting new read. I’m sure fellow Catholic book lovers will find this book list interesting and informative. Perhaps you might find something for a Christmas present. Or maybe you’ll discover that your favorite author published yet another book that you didn’t know about. Whatever the case…

Happy Browsing!

2019 Books

The Bible is a Catholic Book (2019) by Jimmy Akin

After a lot of thought and reflection, I realized that just wanting to be Superman did not mean I was called to be Superman. Just because I wanted to be Batman did not mean I was called to be Batman. Just because I wanted to be a lifeguard in LA County did not mean I was called to be a lifeguard in LA County. But all of this helped me begin the process of discerning what God wanted through the desires that had been placed on my heart. And after a lot of reflection, I recognized that all of those pieces had something in common: I’ve always wanted to help people. I’ve always wanted to be involved in saving lives. I’ve always wanted to be someone who is willing to sacrifice myself for the good of other people. What the Lord placed on my heart was a desire to be like him, and it wasn’t until much later that I realized that the way God wanted me to live out that desire was as a priest.

Pray, Decide, and Don’t Worry: Five Steps to Discerning God’s Will (2019)
by Jackie Angel, Bobby Angel, Fr. Mike Schmitz

The Bible Tells Me So: A Catholic Apologist Challenges Protestants with Scripture (2019) by Dave Armstrong

The Church and the Roman Empire (301–490): Constantine, Councils, and the Fall of Rome (Reclaiming Catholic History) (2019)
by Mike Aquilina

The Eucharist Foretold: The Lost Prophecy of Malachi (2019)
by Mike Aquilina

How Christianity Saved Civilization: …And Must Do So Again (2019)
by Mike Aquilina , James Papandrea

Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know (2019) by Michael Patrick Barber

Arguing Religion: A Bishop Speaks at Facebook and Google (2019)
by Bishop Robert Barron

Letter to a Suffering Church: A Bishop Speaks on the Sexual Abuse Crisis (2019) by Bishop Robert Barron

Seeds of the Word: Finding God in the Culture (2019)
by Bishop Robert Barron

Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls: Revealing the Jewish Roots of Christianity (2020)
by John Bergsma

Road Map to Heaven: A Catholic Plan of Life (2019) by Ed Broom

Scripture Wars | Sophia Institute Press

Scripture Wars: Justin Martyr’s Battle to Save the Old Testament for Christians (2019)
by Rod Bennett

10 Wonders of the Rosary (2019) by Donald H. Calloway

No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy 10th Anniversary Edition (2019) by Donald H. Calloway

Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father (2019) by Donald H. Calloway

Spiritual perfectionism is the least recognized and most toxic form of perfectionism. Its cycle of pride, sin, shame, blame, and despair infects every aspect of our lives, fueling and exacerbating every other form of perfectionism. Spiritual perfectionism distorts our vision, leading us to view others through the same hypercritical lens we think God is using to view us. It turns our spiritual journey into a slog or convinces us to abandon that journey altogether. And it distances us from our one true hope for healing: God’s grace.

The Heart of Perfection: How the Saints Taught Me to Trade My Dream of Perfect for God’s (2019) By Colleen Carroll Campbell 

Spirituality for All Times: Readings from the Catholic Classics (2019)
by Ronda Chervin and Kathleen Brouillette

The Seed Who Was Afraid To Be Planted (2019) by Anthony DeStefano , Erwin Madrid

Spiritual Wanderlust: The Field Guide to Deep Desire (2019) by Kelly Deutsch 

A Time to Die: Monks on the Threshold of Eternal Life by Nicolas Diat

A Time to Die (Monks on the Threshold of Eternal Life (2019) By  Nicolas Diat
Foreword by: Cardinal Robert Sarah

Who Do You Say I Am?: Daily Reflections on the Bible, the Saints, and the Answer That Is Christ (2019)  by Cardinal Timothy Dolan

Common Sense Catholicism: How to Resolve Our Cultural Crisis (2019) by Bill Donohue

 Sunday Will Never Be the Same: A Rock & Roll Journalist Opens Her Ears to God (2019) by Dawn Eden

The Dating Blueprint: What she wants you to know about dating but will never tell you (2019) by Jason Evert

7 Secrets of Divine Mercy (2019) by Vinny Flynn

And one more little thing: I’m not going to push the God thing down your throat.  Let’s just get it out of the way that my husband describes me as a “Shiite Catholic” and I am a true believer in the power and majesty of the one true God, and those of you heathens who don’t get it, you’re going straight to H.E. double hockey sticks. Just kidding. Through my diagnosis and recovery, I found myself relying heavily on the power of miracles. I believe that a supernatural force was carrying me through the darkest and most difficult moments of this time in my life. So if anyone has a problem believing in this sort of nonscientific metaphysical reality, let me rephrase it in an attempt to make it more palatable for you: during my diagnosis, surgery, and recovery, “The Force” was strong with me.

When Life Gives You Pears: The Healing Power of Family, Faith, and Funny People (2019) by Jeannie Gaffigan, Jim Gaffigan (foreword)

A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms: 52 Companions for Your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul (CatholicMom.com Book) (2019) by Lisa M. Hendey

The Handbook for Catholic Moms: Nurturing Your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul (CatholicMom.com Book) (2019) by Lisa M. Hendey

I AM GOD'S STORYTELLER - The Cathedral Book Store

I Am God’s Storyteller by Lisa M. Hendey and Eric Carlson (2019)

Wounded Shepherd: Pope Francis and His Struggle to Convert the Catholic Church (2019) by Austen Ivereigh

How to Defend the Faith Without Raising Your Voice: Civil responses to Catholic hot-button issues (2019) by Austen Ivereigh , Michael Kelly

MicroShifts: Transforming Your Life One Step at a Time (2019) by Gary Jansen

Our Lady of Charity: How a Cuban Devotion to Mary Helped Me Grow in Faith and Love (2019) by Maria Morera Johnson

The Busy Person’s Guide to Prayer (2020) by Deacon Greg Kandra


Ask Peter Kreeft: The 100 Most Interesting Questions He’s Ever Been Asked (2019)by Peter Kreeft

LEWIS: And I am very pleased to meet you, too, sir. I profoundly admire what you do and what you have accomplished. And I honestly believe that in God’s eyes you are one of His greatest warriors, while I am only a clerk, a scrivener. Our personalities are obviously very different, and so are our vocations—I am not a preacher or an evangelist but only what you would call an absentminded professor—but I believe we are fighting the same war, on the same battlefield, under the same Commanding Officer, and against the same enemies.

GRAHAM: That’s a very fancy and flattering way of saying I am an evangelist and you are a theologian.

LEWIS: Not even a theologian. Not even a philosopher. Not an original one, anyway.

GRAHAM: An apologist, then.

LEWIS: Well, yes, both direct, in books like Mere Christianity, and indirect, in my fiction and in my literary essays.

TOLKIEN [from behind Lewis]: If you were both Catholics, you would probably be a Dominican, Jack, and Dr. Graham would be a Franciscan. You’d be Saint Thomas Aquinas, and he’d be Saint Bonaventure.

Symbol or Substance?: A Dialogue on the Eucharist with C. S. Lewis, Billy Graham and J. R. R. Tolkien (2019) by Peter Kreeft

Saints at Heart: How Fault-Filled, Problem-Prone, Imperfect People Like Us Can Be Holy (2019) by Bert Ghezzi

Raising Upright Kids in an Upside-Down World: Defying the Anti-Parent Culture (2019) by Ray Guarendi

How to Keep From Losing Your Mind: Educating Yourself Classically to Resist Cultural Indoctrination (2019) by Deal W. Hudson

Forgiveness: A Catholic Approach (2019) by R. Scott Hurd

A Minute in the Church: Back to the Basics: One Minute Explanations About the Basics of the Faith    (2019) by Gus Lloyd , Curtis Lloyd

Virgin, Mother, Queen: Encountering Mary in Time and Tradition (2020)
By Michael O’Neill and Robert L. Fastiggi

Conciliar Octet: A Concise Commentary on the Eight Key Texts of the Second Vatican Council (2019)
by Aidan Nichols

Making Missionary Disciples  (2019) by Curtis Martin

Unteachable Lessons: Why Wisdom Can't Be Taught (and Why That's Okay): McColman, Carl, McLaren, Brian: 9780802875754: Amazon.com: Books

Unteachable Lessons: Why Wisdom Can’t Be Taught (and Why That’s Okay)  (2019)
by Carl McColman

The Decalogue Decoded: What You Never Learned About the Ten Commandments (2019)
by Fr. Brian Mullady

Saving the Family : The Transformative Power of Sharing Meals with People You Love (2019)
by Leo E. Patalinghug

Marriage and Ministry: How to Have One Without Destroying the Other (2019)
by Chris Padgett and Linda Padgett

Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know (2019) by Joseph Pearce

Golf and God: A Modern-Day Metaphor (2019) by Fr. Cedric Pisegna C P  

The Sacred Quest: Renew Your Prayer Life (2019) by Fr. Cedric Pisegna C P 

Thy Kingdom Come! (2019) by Fr. Cedric Pisegna C P

IN HIS RULE, SAINT BENEDICT urged his monks to “keep death daily before your eyes.” Benedict urged the remembrance of death so that his monks would live better in this life and keep their eyes on Jesus. Benedict also knew that the practice of remembering death is most effective when observed daily. This Lenten devotional will help you to begin the practice of remembering death daily, if you don’t already. But Lent will eventually end, and then you will have to find another way to remember death every day. For this reason, each meditation in this devotional includes an examen, a time-honored practice that can be used to incorporate memento mori into your daily life.

Remember Your Death: Memento Mori Lenten Devotional (2019)
by Theresa Aletheia Noble FSP

The Devil in the City of Angels: My Encounters With the Diabolical (2019) by Jesse Romero

The Day Is Now Far Spent (2019) by Cardinal Robert Sarah

Sermons in Times of Crisis: Twelve Homilies to Stir Your Soul (2019) by Paul Scalia

The Politics of Heaven and Hell: Christian Themes from Classical, Medieval, and Modern Political Philosophy (2019) by James V. Schall

More of the Holy Spirit: How to Keep the Fire Burning in Our Hearts (2019)
by Ann Shields

Catholic Hipster: The Next Level | Ave Maria Press

Catholic Hipster: The Next Level: How Some Awesomely Obscure Stuff Helps Us Live Our Faith with Passion (2019) by Tommy Tighe

How to Catholic Family: Nurturing Faith in the Messiness of Everyday Life (2019)
by Tommy Tighe and Karen Tighe

Particles of Faith: A Catholic Guide to Navigating Science (Student Edition)  (2019)
by Stacy A. Trasancos  

In Praise of the Tridentine Mass and of Latin, Language of the Church (2019) by Fr. Roberto Spataro , Zachary Thomas, et al.

No Greater Love: A Biblical Walk Through Christ’s Passion (2019) by Edward Sri

The Politics of Conjugal Love: A Baptismal and Trinitarian Approach to Headship and Submission (2019)
by Conor Sweeney, Brian T. Trainor, et al.

Francis of Assisi’s Sermon on the Mount: Lessons from the Admonitions (2019)
by John Michael Talbot

Saints Who Saw Hell: And Other Catholic Witnesses to the Fate of the Damned (2019) by Paul Thigpen

So, if you’ve ever wished upon a star, or wished you could travel to a star to see it in all its majesty (without getting turned into a cinder), or if you’ve ever wished you could have personally known some great figure in the world’s history, bear in mind that God  is the source of every single goodness that we admire and that to see Him face-to-face in heaven will so far exceed the combined total of every limited goodness we can imagine that we cannot begin to fathom it.

12 Life Lessons from St. Thomas Aquinas: Timeless Spiritual Wisdom for Our Turbulent Times (2019)
by Kevin Vost

The Catholic Working Mom’s Guide to Life (2019) by JoAnna W ahlund  

Enough as You Are: Overcoming Self-Doubt and Appreciating the Gift of You (2019) by Peggy Weber

Wonders of His Love: Family Devotions and Activities for Advent (2019) by Amy Welborn

Good News about Sex and Marriage: Answers to Your Honest Questions about Catholic Teaching: Updated, Revised and Expanded Edition (2019)
by Christopher West

Scripture: Theological and Philosophical Principles for Interpretation (2019)
by William M. IV Wright, Francis Martin, Robert Sokolowski (Foreword)

2020 Books

Words of Eternal Life (2020) Jimmy Akin

When a Loved One Dies by Suicide: Comfort, Hope, and Healing for Grieving Catholics (December 25, 2020) by Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers
Edited by: Ed Shoener
Edited by: John P. Dolan

Renewing Our Hope: Essays for the New Evangelization (2020)
by Bishop Robert Barron

Centered: The Spirituality of Word on Fire (2020)
by Robert Barron , Jared Zimmerer

Giving Thanks and Letting Go: Reflections on the Gift of Motherhood (A CatholicMom.com Book) (2020)  by Danielle Bean

History's Queen: Exploring Mary's Pivotal Role from Age to Age by Mike Aquilina, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

History’s Queen: Exploring Mary’s Pivotal Role from Age to Age (2020)
by Mike Aquilina

Work Play Love: How the Mass Changed the Life of the First Christians (2020) by Mike Aquilina

20 Answers: Prayer (20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers Book 38) (2020)
by Hugh Barbour O. Praem and Sebastian Walshe O. Praem

Purgatory Is for Real: Good News About the Afterlife for Those Who Aren’t Perfect Yet (2020)
by Karlo Broussard

Sex and the Catholic Feminist: New Choices for a New Generation (2020) by Sue Ellen Browder

20 Answers – Catholic Social Teaching (20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers Book 38) (2020) by Mark Brumley

Spiritual Warfare and The Discernment of Spirits (2020) by Dan Burke 

5 Things with Father Bill: Hope, Humor, and Help for the Soul (2020)
by William Byrne and Roma Downey 

 “Alone with Christ Alone.” When she encountered Christ Crucified on that first Good Friday of the year 2000, she suddenly found herself alone before Christ, who Himself was alone on the Cross, suffering for love of her. In that instant, she was stripped of all her masks and her misery was revealed. Only Christ could show her who she truly was and how she could reach true happiness in Him.

Sr. Clare Crockett: Alone with Christ Alone (2020)
by Kristen Gardner and Rafael Alonso Reymundo

Let Go: Seven Stumbling Blocks to Christian Discipleship (2020)
by Casey Cole OFM

The Lighthouse - A Novel

The Lighthouse: A Novel (2020) by Michael D. O’Brien

Thus Sayeth the Lord: A Fresh Take on the Prophets (2020) by Julie Davis

Living Memento Mori: My Journey through the Stations of the Cross (2020) by Emily M. DeArdo and Theresa Aletheia Noble FSP

One Less God Than You: How to Answer the Slogans, Clichès, and Fallacies That Atheists Use to Challenge Your Faith (2020) by John DeRosa

You see, right now, most of you reading this book are very limited in your ability to act out your evil inclinations. Not only do you lack sufficient money and power, but you also lack sufficient motivation. You’re sitting in a warm room with a roof over your head, the lights are on, and you have food in your stomach. Even though you may have a lot of problems to deal with, you’re not starving. Compared to other people in the world, you’re doing okay. But what if you found yourself in totally different circumstances? What if your whole life fell apart? What if you and those you loved really were struggling to eat and drink and survive? What would you do then?

Hell: A Guid(2020) by Anthony DeStefano

Our Lady’s Wardrobe (2020) by Anthony DeStefano

A Catholic Survival Guide for Times of Emergency (2020) by Nick Donnelly

Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents (2020)
by Rod Dreher 

Sex and the Unreal City: The Demolition of the Western Mind (2020)
by Anthony Esolen 

My Other Self: Conversations with Christ on Living Your Faith (Dec 25, 2020) by Clarence Enzler and Greg Kandra 

Frightliner and Other Tales of the Supernatural (2020)
by  Karina Fabian and Colleen Drippé 

The Liminal Papacy of Pope Francis: Moving toward Global Catholicity (2020) by Massimo Faggioli

Drinking with Your Patron Saints: The Sinner's Guide to Honoring Namesakes and Protectors: Foley, Michael P.: 9781684510474: Amazon.com: Books

Drinking with Your Patron Saints: The Sinner’s Guide to Honoring Namesakes and Protectors (2020) by Michael P. Foley

The How-to Book of Evangelization: Everything You Need to Know But No One Ever Taught You (2020) by Jennifer Fitz

Marian Consecration With Aquinas: A Nine Day Path for Growing Closer to the Mother of God (2020) by Matt Fradd and Fr. Gregory Pine

Don’t let lofty words like love make the blue flame concept sound intimidating. The other night I did a standup comedy set in which I imagine the guys from The Fast and the Furious driving minivans. The stage was in the side room of a brewery, and the crowd was small. This was not Yo-Yo Ma bringing the music of Bach to life at Carnegie Hall. And yet when I saw the audience light up with laughter, I knew that was the way I was supposed to show love to those people that night. It was a total blue-flame moment. As a Christian, I believe that God is the source of all love, and so I like to think that your blue flame is your unique way of sharing a little bit of God with the world. Whether or not you share my exact belief system, you’ll find that using your blue flame is a beautiful way that you can love the world—and let the world love you back.

Your Blue Flame: Drop the Guilt and Do What Makes You Come Alive (2020) by Jennifer Fulwiler and Jeannie Gaffigan

The Indispensable Dad: A Guide to Cultivating Family Happiness, Virtue, and Success (2020)
by Stephen Gabriel

Discernment of Spirits in Marriage: Ignatian Wisdom for Husbands and Wives (2020) by Fr. Timothy Gallagher  

Chosen and Cherished: Biblical Wisdom for Your Marriage (2020) by Kimberly Hahn

Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body (2020)by Scott Hahn and with Emily Stimpson Chapman

It Is Right and Just: Why the Future of Civilization Depends on True Religion (2020) by Scott Hahn and Brandon McGinley

Sex and the Spiritual Life eBook by - 9781594719929 | Rakuten Kobo United StatesSex and the Spiritual Life: Reclaiming Integrity, Wholeness, and Intimacy (2020)
by Patricia Cooney Hathaway , John Riccardo

Exorcism: The Battle Against Satan and His Demons (2020) by Fr. Vincent P. Lampert  

The 99 Handbook: A Catholic Guide for a Life of Faith (2020)
by Mark Hart and Joel Stepanek 

I’m a Saint in the Making (2020) by Lisa M. Hendey

Unfailing Promises (2020) by Peter Herbeck

Pope Peter: Defending the Church’s Most Distinctive Doctrine in a Time of Crisis (2020)by Joe Heschmeyer

Who Am I, Lord? Finding Your Identity in Christ (2020) Joe Heschmeyer @  Shameless Popery

Can a Catholic Be a Socialist? (2020) by Trent Horn and Catherine R Pakaluk

365 Days of Catholic Wisdom: A Treasury of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness (2020)
by Deal W. Hudson

Stand All the Way Up: Stories of Staying In It When You Want to Burn It All Down  (2020) by Sophie Hudson

Pocket Guide to Adoration (2020) by Fr. Josh Johnson

The Busy Person’s Guide to an Extraordinary Life (2020) by Deacon Greg Kandra  

I chose to hike the Cammino di San Benedetto partly in homage to Benedict and his accomplishments but for other reasons too. I wanted to see an Italy I hadn’t seen before. I wanted to get away from the cares of quotidian life. I wanted sustained, healthy exercise. And I looked for the novelty of the unknown and the unexpected. I found some of each and too much of some.

When we think of pilgrimage routes, the first to come to mind is Spain’s Camino de Santiago. For English speakers of a literary bent the next up might be the pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral and St. Thomas à Becket’s shrine as recounted in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Or maybe the image is one of the many routes to the Holy Land or to Rome. All these routes have one thing in common. All of them are old—at least as old as the Middle Ages and perhaps as old as Christianity itself. If we wonder who might have been the first to lay out these routes, a little reflection tells us that they grew organically. None of them had a founder, but the Cammino di San Benedetto does. His name is Simone Frignani.

Sun, Storm, and Solitude: Discovering Hidden Italy on the Cammino di San Benedetto  (2020) by Karl Keating

St. Thérèse of Lisieux: A Transformation in Christ (2020)
by Thomas Keating 

I Heard God Laugh (2020) by Matthew Kelly

Wisdom from the Psalms (2020) by Peter Kreeft

Wisdom of the Heart: The Good, the True, and the Beautiful at the Center of Us All (2020) by Peter Kreeft

HARROWED: Life Lessons from the Garden (2020) by HEATHER KING

Immortal Combat: Confronting the Heart of Darkness (2020)
by Fr. Dwight Longenecker

Magnificat adoration companion

The Adoration Companion (2020)
by Magnificat (Author), Sebastian White O.P. (Editor)

A Church in Crisis: Pathways Forward (2020) by Ralph Martin

Real Philosophy for Real People: Tools for Truthful Living (2020)
by Robert McTeigue , Robert Spitzer

Mercy: What Every Catholic Should Know (2020)
by Daniel Moloney

Captivated by the Master: A Theological Consideration of Jesus Christ ( 2020)
by Fr. Brian Mullady OP

Saint Catherine of Siena: Mystic of Fire, Preacher of Freedom (2020)
by Paul Murray

Thomists have not always welcomed the entry of Balthasarians into a place in the sun in Catholic theology. The rise of Balthasar’s reputation in the years of the pontificate of John Paul II coincided with a renaissance of Thomism, notably in France and North America. Rivalry in the search for disciples was predictable. But Thomists have long lived with such rivals, notably in the Franciscan school, and have not deemed their existence an affront. No one theology can exhaust everything that the historic revelation contains, any more than one philosophy can do justice to all the questions raised by divine agency in the world. A healthy competition could assist the fuller emergence of truth.

Balthasar for Thomists (2020) by Fr. Aidan Nichols

The Theologian’s Enterprise: A Very Short Introduction (2020) by Fr. Aidan Nichols

Draw Ever Closer (30 Days with a Great Spiritual Teacher)  (2020)
by Henri J. M. Nouwen , Robert M. Hamma

Wheat and Tares: Restoring the Moral Vision of a Scandalized Church (2020) by Fr. Mitch Pacwa SJ

Prison Journal, Volume 1: The Cardinal Makes His Appeal (January 2020) by Cardinal George Pell

Meditations on the Way of the Cross (2020) by Mary Pezzulo

Death: The Final Surrender (2020) by Fr. Cedric Pisegna  

There Is a Solution: Don’t Stay Stuck! (2020) by Fr. Cedric Pisegna  

Your Best Lent Ever! (2020) by Fr. Cedric Pisegna 

The Adventure: Living Out Your Relationship with God (Catholic Edition) (2020)
by Chris Patterson

An Evangelizing Catechesis: Teaching from Your Encounter with Christ (2020)
by James C. Pauley 

100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World (2020) by Novecosky

Benedict XVI: A Life: Volume One: Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965: Seewald, Peter: 9781472979193: Amazon.com: Books

(Pope) Benedict XVI: A Life: Volume One: Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 (2020) by Peter Seewald

Christ in the Storm: An Extraordinary Blessing for a Suffering World (2020)
by Pope Francis (Author), John L. Allen Jr. (Foreword), Timothy P. O’Malley (Introduction)

Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship (2020)
by Pope Francis

Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future (2020)
by Pope Francis and Austen Ivereigh

The Wit and Wisdom of Fr. George Rutler (2020)
by Fr. George W. Rutler

A Crisis in Culture: How Secularism is Becoming a Religion (2020)
by Fr. George W. Rutler

Our Peculiar Times: Catholic Wisdom for Times of Crisis (2020)
by Fr. George W. Rutler

The Catholic Faith: An Introduction to the Creeds  (2020) by Stephen Ray and R. Dennis Walters  

Rescued: The Unexpected and Extraordinary News of the Gospe (2020) by Fr. John Riccardo

Father Kevin’s Korner (2020)by Magnificat Central Service Team and Fr. Kevin Scallon  

Lord, Teach Us to Pray (2020) by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Edited By: Allan Smith

Persons are due honor not because of their income bracket, looks, skin color, ancestry, intelligence, mental health, physical condition, age, citizenship, religion or lack thereof, sexual orientation, gender, or anything they do or don’t do. They possess dignity for one reason only: because they are made—without any exception whatsoever—in the image and likeness of God. And it makes not one ounce of difference if that person believes in God or not: they still retain that dignity because of what they are. That is why a Catholic medical missionary in Africa, asked why she was treating Muslims, animists, and atheists in addition to Christian victims of Ebola, replied, “I don’t treat people because they are Christian. I treat people because I am Christian.”


The Church’s Best-Kept Secret: A Primer on Catholic Social Teaching (2020) by Mark P. Shea

The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History (2020) by Rodney Stark $57.99

Living Joy: 9 Rules to Help You Rediscover and Live Joy Every Day (2020)
by Chris Stefanick

Light and Leaven: The Challenge of the Laity in the Twenty-First Century (2020)
by Bishop Joseph E. Strickland

Christ versus Satan in Our Daily Lives: The Cosmic Struggle Between Good and Evil (Called Out of Darkness: Contending With Evil Through the Church, Virtue, and Prayer Book 1) (2020) by Robert Spitzer

The Wisdom Pattern: Order, Chaos, Reorder  (2020) by Richard Rohr

Ancient Wisdom, Living Fire: Lessons I Learned from the Fathers of the Church (2020)
by John Michael Talbot , Mike Aquilina

Desert Dangers and Delights: Stories, Teachings, and Sources (2020)
by John Michael Talbot

Exploring the Gifts of the Spirit: Discovering the Power God Has for You (2020)
by John Michael Talbot , Steve Rabey

#BlessedMother: How to Follow, Share, and Defend Mary in the World of Social Media (2020)
by Tommy Tighe

Colors Of Creation - By Paul Thigpen (Hardcover) : Target

Colors of Creation (2020) by Paul Thigpen

Listening for God: Discovering the Incredible Ways God Speaks to Us by (2020) by Teresa Tomeo

The Boy Who Knew (Carlo Acutis) (Friends in High Places Book 1) (2020)
by Corinna Turner

One thing we’ve learned through ClaritasU is that to get clear on any particular issue, a Catholic just needs to master three things: first, the Catholic view of the topic; second, the best objections to the Catholic view; and third, how to answer those top objections. That’s it. When you’re clear about those three things—what you believe, the best objections to those beliefs, and how to answer those objections—you’re totally equipped and confident. You won’t get rattled or tongue-tied. You can walk into almost any situation, whether a conversation with your children or a debate with friends, and know that you won’t be nervous, you won’t be afraid, and you’ll stay cool and collected. You’ll be confident, because you’re clear about what to say and how to say it.


What to Say and How to Say It: Discuss Your Catholic Faith with Clarity and Confidence (2020) by Brandon Vogt

Church of Cowards: A Wake-Up Call to Complacent Christians(2020) by Matt Walsh

Secrets from Heaven – Hidden Treasures of Faith in the Parables and Conversations of Jesus (2020) by Fr Sebastian Walshe

Brilliant: 25 Catholic Scientists, Mathematicians, and Supersmart People (2020)
by David Warren and Jaclyn Warren  

The Next Pope: The Office of Peter and a Church in Mission
by George Weigel

Our Bodies Tell God’s Story: Discovering the Divine Plan for Love, Sex, and Gender (2020) by Christopher West , Eric Metaxas

The Church and the Middle Ages (1000–1378): Cathedrals, Crusades, and the Papacy in Exile (Reclaiming Catholic History) (Dec 25, 2020) by Steve Weidenkopf

Saints Who Transformed Their World (2020) by Sherry Weddell

The Word on Fire Bible (2020)

Let Go of Anger and Stress!: Be Transformed by the Fruits of the Spirit (2020)
by Gary Zimak

2021 Books

The Holy Mass (Sayings of the Fathers of the Church)  (2021)
by Mike Aquilina and Thomas G. Weinandy |

Things Worth Dying For: Thoughts on a Life Worth Living (2021)
by Charles J. Chaput

Raised in a loving adoptive home, Claire Culwell, at the age of twenty-one, decided to meet her birth mother—and got the shock of her life. Claire’s birth mother, Tonya, confessed that when she was pregnant with Claire, she’d gone to a clinic for an abortion. Yet, after the abortion, the pregnancy continued to progress. What Tonya’s doctor had overlooked was that she’d been pregnant with twins. The abortion that terminated the life of Claire’s twin had miraculously spared Claire.

Claire embraced the unique circumstances, soon sharing her story with the world and urging her listeners to understand how abortion takes the life of a child. When Claire faced her own unplanned pregnancy as a single woman, she embraced the added opportunity to step into the shoes of those she advocates for. Her heart grew bigger on the issue of life, which increased her extension of empathy and grace to women in pregnancy crisis. At the same time, she began to challenge churches to truly value not just the unborn but also the women who face unexpected pregnancy.

Survivor is Claire’s incredible story of surviving abortion and advocating for life—the lives of unborn babies as well as the lives of their mothers. Her powerful message of grace speaks louder than politics or controversy or shame as she inspires each of us to choose life wherever we are.

Survivor: An Abortion Survivor’s Surprising Story of Choosing Forgiveness and Finding Redemption (2021) by Claire Culwell, Lois Mowday Rabey, et al.

Our Not-Quite-Holy Family: A Practical Guide for Catholic Parents (2021) by Mark Hart and Melanie Hart

Falling Home: Creating a Life That Catches You When You Fall (2021) by Hallie Lord

Learning to Pray: A Guide for Everyone by James Martin (2021)

Eternal Heart: The Mystical Path to a Joyful Life (2021) by Carl McColman

Stumbling into Grace: How We Meet God in Tiny Works of Mercy (2021) by Mary Pezzulo  

Tolkien's Modern Reading: Middle-earth Beyond the Middle Ages – Word on Fire

Tolkien’s Modern Reading: Middle-earth Beyond the Middle Ages (2021) by Holly Ordway 


There are some authors I wanted to include in this list, but they didn’t write anything in the last two years. So, I include them here anyway.. Listed by Year

Did Adam & Eve Have Belly Buttons? And 199 Other Questions from Catholic Teenagers (2010)by Matthew Pinto 

Walking With God: A Journey through the Bible (2010)
by Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins 

Why Be Catholic?: Ten Answers to a Very Important Question (2014)
by Patrick Madrid and Seán O’Malley 

The Case for Jesus: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ (2016) by Brant Pitre and Robert Barron 

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