Tunes From the BCCT on The Matthew 25 Works of Mercy

Tunes From the BCCT on The Matthew 25 Works of Mercy July 8, 2022

There are a lot of members of the Broad Chorus of Catholic Thinkers posting articles, videos and podcasts online. So much in fact that one really doesn’t have the time, energy or computer bandwidth to read all the good things being written up and slapped on a web page. And so I decided to bring examples of a 132 of them together in one post. It consists of bits of Orthodox Catholic thoughts from the Catholic Rigorous Vortex and the Liberal Hippie Catholics and everyone else in-between.

WRN # 18 Cool Tunes From the Broad Chorus of Catholic Thinkers
Easy Access to Tunes and Tweets from the BCCT JULY 29, 2022

The diversity of thought within Catholic teaching, like variety within the strictures of sonnets, is one of its most beautiful features. It is nevertheless important to listen, as much as we can, to a broad chorus of Catholic thinkers. I have found great consolation in the fact that someone holier and smarter than myself has likely asked my questions already; my job is to find them and to listen, and then to make as many people as possible read block quotations about it.
Sharon Kabel , OSB vs. UFO: Stanley Jaki and the Theology of Aliens (June 16, 2021)- OnePeterFive

But of course with so many samples of things to look at in one semi-long post, several nifty, pithy and unique writings and more can get lost in the shuffle. So I decided to take what I gathered and break it up into smaller posts based on themes instead of particular individual Catholic websites. I even added a few other things not found in the larger collage of writings.

In this issue I present to you tunes from the BCCT on…

The Matthew 25 Works of Mercy

List of Catholic Charities 

The Catholic Church operates numerous charitable organizations.

Catholic spiritual teaching includes spreading the Gospel while Catholic social teaching emphasises support for the sick, the poor and the afflicted through the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. The Catholic Church is the largest non-governmental provider of education and medical services in the world.

Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers (

The Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers (CMHM) is a Lay Association of the Christian Faithful whose members are called to be a healing presence in the lives of people with mental illness. Members of the CMHM see Christ in those who live with a mental illness. Members practice a ministry of service and presence; like the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37), they do not look the other way or walk past those living with a mental illness but instead pour the oil and wine of the Gospel into their lives. Members walk with people living with a mental illness to help them find the support and services that they need.

We see persons living with a mental illness as unique individuals who are not defined by their illness. They have much to offer the Church and the community because living with an illness gives them unique insights into suffering, humility, compassion, friendship and love. We work to eliminate the stigma and discrimination that people living with a mental illness encounter in the Church and in human society.

Adoption Network

Providing caring professional adoption services for birth mothers and adoptive parents nationwide.

Home – Big Brothers Big Sisters of America – Youth Mentoring (

Care Net

Pregnancy Centers | Life Affirming Choices | Pro Abundant Life (

Acknowledging that every human life begins at conception and is worthy of protection, Care Net offers compassion, hope, and help to anyone considering abortion by presenting them with realistic alternatives and Christ-centered support through our life-affirming network of pregnancy centers, churches, organizations, and individuals.

Catholic Charities USA

Catholic Charities USA is a national nonprofit that works to remove poverty
and advocate for justice in social structures for all.
Catholic Charities USA@CCharitiesUSA (  Congratulations to Catholic Charities of Minneapolis and St. Paul on the opening of Hope Street Youth Shelter! Which provides young people with critical services to help build a stable foundation in a safe, dignified, and supportive environment.
Hope Street For Youth emergency shelter opens in Minneapolis – CBS Minnesota (


Catholic Relief Services

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is the official int’l humanitarian agency of the U.S. Catholic community.
We assist people in need in more than 100 countries.

During our 75th year, we released monthly podcasts to celebrate the many people—partners, donors, supporters, staff and program participants — who have brought our mission to life.

Take a listen—and get a glimpse of the future world we are building together! Podcasts | CRS 75th Anniversary

charity: water

We’re bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in need around the world.
charity: water@charitywate:  (, 2022)Let’s make some noise for the Summit Elementary third graders! Each class since 2014 has committed to fundraising for clean water. This year, they celebrated bringing clean and safe water to 1,000 people! Their teacher, Abby Bishop, told us more about this huge accomplishment: “Reaching 1,000 people with clean water is a very proud milestone for our team. It was also almost 1,000 third graders, who, over the past 10 years, have participated in our campaigns whose lives have also been changed. That’s a whole lot of good!” We couldn’t agree more. If you’re feeling inspired by this remarkable team, check out their campaign page at Thank you, Summit Elementary, for all of the kindness, goodness, and clean water you are bringing into the world!

Courage International

Courage Int’l & EnCourage: a Catholic apostolate for persons who experience same-sex attractions and those who love them.
CourageInternational@RCCourage: During these times, it can be easy to believe that we are not lovable, or that we have little worth. You are cherished! God created you, because he wanted *you* to be on this earth. Just as He knew John the Baptist’s name before he was conceived, He has always known you by name.

Accompanying People Who Experience Same-Sex Attraction

At the 2019 Steubenville “Defending the Faith” conference, Father Sean Kilcawley delivered an insightful and compassionate presentation on how to minister to people who live with same-sex attractions, most especially those first tentative encounters when the person is likely to be dealing with a lot of shame and uncertainty about how God and the Church view them. He also discusses the best ways to present the teachings of the Church in this area. Father Kilcawley is the Director of the Office of Family Life for the Diocese of Lincoln and will be speaking at our annual conference in July.Watch Fr. Ki lcawley on accompanying people with same-sex attractions
Courage Newsletter June 2022: Faithful to Our Mission to the End! (

Cross Catholic Outreach

Cross Catholic Outreach launched its ministry in 2001 to provide material and spiritual blessings to those in need around the world. Since then, thousands of lives and communities have been transformed by God working through its mission of mercy.

Cross Catholic Outreach launched its ministry in 2001 to provide material and spiritual blessings to those in need around the world. Since then, thousands of lives and communities have been transformed by God working through its mission of mercy.

Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm –

Harveys Lake, PA

We strive to witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ through a simplicity of life and the performance of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Embracing the personalist philosophy of Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin, we work to affect society in such a way that the dignity of the human person is paramount. We encourage a communal self-sufficiency and Distributist principles that promote family-owned farms and businesses and support a local economy.

Peter Maurin mentored Dorothy Day in bringing her Catholic faith into her work for the poor. His overall program consisted of roundtable discussions for the clarification of thought, houses of hospitality to practice the works of mercy, and agronomic universities to teach basic homesteading skills. At the heart of the work is the worship of God. Through the combination of cult, culture, and cultivation, we can change the world.

See the source image

Feeding America

The Feeding America nationwide network of food banks and food programs helps millions of people find food and grocery help in their communities every year. Connect with your local food bank to learn about upcoming free food distributions and to apply for national food programs.

Fem Catholic

For Women. For the Church.
Helping you find truth in the tension, and live your faith in real life

This year, FemCatholic contacted all 176 dioceses in the United States. We were only able to confirm that 31 offer fully paid maternity or family leave policies.

Inspired by the writings of Pope St. John Paul II, we aim to start a conversation on family leave with the Catholic Church at large. We’re also writing a petition to the US Bishops asking them to lead the way in progressing family policies in their dioceses. Paid Leave Petition (

Much remains to be done to prevent discrimination against those who have chosen to be wives and mothers…This is a matter of justice but also of necessity…It will force systems to be redesigned in a way which favors the pro-cesses of humanization which mark the “civilization of love.”

Pope St. John Paul II

Letter to Women, 1995

Join us in Building a Civilization of Love (

 Homeboy Industries

Knights of Columbus

We are the world’s foremost Catholic fraternal organization. Join us. #FrMcGivney

Knights of Columbus@KofC: (, 2022) To help provide relief to displaced Ukrainians, the Knights of Columbus has forged key partnerships with organizations such as
@CNEWAand@iamCARITAS, as well as the U.S.-based @GoyaFoods

Live Action

Locks of Love Since 1997

Our mission is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children free of charge.

Apply for a Hairpiece Form
Hair Donation Form

New Pro-Life Movement

A Truly Whole-Life Mission

First and foremost, we believe in a fundamental right to life. The mission of the New Pro Life Movement is to work towards creating a culture that values and protects the dignity of all life, especially human life from conception to natural death.

We believe abortion is a grave evil and a  horrible attack on human dignity that should be completely eradicated from our society. That said, we believe that a true pro-life ideology focuses on more than just abortion. Our movement supports any action that protects and sustains life at every stage.

Currently, our main objectives consist of education, outreach, and fundraising for organizations that we believe are working to create a truly pro-life society.

Mercy For Life

Ntege Nasser Director at Tabasamu light of hope Uganda

Kindly pray for her soul to rest in peace …she just died right now by an accident on motorcycle….She was children’s care takers at shanitah Nakawessa children’s orphanage home over 14 children…Pray for her soul to rest in peace..

Kindly though in hospital but still heart broken over 14 children who lost everything in fire… While praying for my quick recovery all my beloved friends kindly give to them…No help is little:Here it’s gofundme page campaign to donate


National Catholic Partnership on Disability

Promoting the Meaningful Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Church and Society.

Complete this 8-module course at your own pace. The course is designed as a resource for those who are preparing children or adults with disabilities to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (with an additional module devoted to the Sacrament of Reconciliation).

Read article about course here

Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities

Prison Fellowship: Remember Those In Prison

 Society of St Vincent de Paul (

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is an international organisation formed of lay Catholics, who seek personal and spiritual growth through service to those most in need.

Suicide Prevention

Need help? Know someone who does?

  • Call 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
  • Use the online Lifeline Chatexternal icon
  • Both are free and confidential. You’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor in your area.


Lifeline Chat : Lifeline (

Need help? Know someone who does?

  • Call 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
  • Use the online Lifeline Chatexternal icon
  • Both are free and confidential. You’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor in your area.

Project Rachel Ministry | USCCB

There is hope after abortion.
It’s common but often unspoken – to grieve the loss of a child by abortion. It may seem that nothing can fill the emptiness of one’s heart. Be assured that there is forgiveness, hope and healing. Many women and men have participated in diocesan Project Rachel Ministries and been transformed by God’s merciful love.

project rachel
If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential, non-judgmental help is available from Project Rachel Ministry. Visit the “Find Help” map on to find the nearest diocesan ministry. Spanish speakers may visit

Project Rachel is a ministry of the Catholic Church in the U.S. to those who have been involved in abortion. It is a diocesan-based network of specially trained priests, religious, counselors, and laypersons who provide a team response of care for those suffering in the aftermath of abortion. In addition to referring for Sacramental Reconciliation, the ministry provides an integrated network of services, including pastoral counseling, support groups, retreats and referrals to licensed mental health professionals.

It is open to all . . . people of all faiths or no faith.

For more information on abortion healing and find help for you or someone you know, visit “Hope After Abortion” or in Spanish


We challenge poverty in new & innovative ways, working side by side
with people of diverse cultures & faiths in Latin America, Asia & Africa.

Unbound@UnboundOrg (Jun 21, 2022) Today on World Music Day, transport yourself to the dusty red roads of #Madagascar while you enjoy these songs written, performed and recorded by sponsored members and their families. Let’s Walk Together – Culture ( #worldmusicday #makemusic

Rise and Dream movie trailer from Unbound on Vimeo.


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