April 17, 2013

We have a guest review today. My wife has just finished reading the book Holy Crocodile! with our two youngest daughters. Here’s what she has to say about the book! This is not your ordinary book of saints. Holy Crocodile! by Caroline Cory is a collection of 20 short tales of saints based on actual legends. These stories are told almost like animals fables but with a religious twist. What makes this book different? The animals make all the difference!... Read more

April 16, 2013

It has been a VERY busy and exciting two weeks for me. Immediately after the Mike Aquilina interview, site traffic went through the roof! That resulted in new publishers coming on board that I will be working with. These are all listed on the column to the right. Every one of the publishers on that list are fantastic and each offers great books for your spiritual enrichment. I encourage you to support as many of them as you can by... Read more

April 4, 2013

Ignatius, Polycarp, Irenaeus, and St. Jerome are all Church Fathers whose names you will become familiar with in the pages of Faith of Our Fathers: Why the Early Christians Still Matter and Always Will. Mike Aquilina has packed a lot of info into this relatively short read coming in at 134 pages. I found myself taking a TON of notes as I worked my way through the book. The format of the book itself makes it read almost like a... Read more

April 2, 2013

I am currently reading Faith of Our Fathers: Why the Early Christians Still Matter and Always Will by Mike Aquilina. This is an incredibly informative book and I am learning a LOT from it. My review of this book will be posted in the coming days. Today I decided to contact Mike and share my thoughts on this book with him. During our email exchange he graciously agreed to answer a few questions for an interview that I could share... Read more

March 11, 2013

I hope everyone’s Lenten journey towards Easter is going well and you are taking the time to be enriched with at least one good book. I vowed to cut back my posting this Lent and have, but I did not want to let my followers hanging so here’s a brief update.  A few more book reviews are forthcoming including “Faith of Our Fathers : Why the Early Christians  Still Matter and Always Will” by Mike Aquilina, and “Journey to Easter:... Read more

February 6, 2013

Father Dwight Longenecker is a convert to Catholicism, a former Evangelical. He is a well accomplished writer and blogger and his skills come through in this book. Catholicism Pure and Simple comes in at 264 pages and serves it purpose well. This is meant to be an introductory book to Catholicism for high school students, confirmation candidates and members of RCIA classes. As a converted Catholic myself, this book was a decent “refresher course” on topic I was taught some... Read more

January 28, 2013

Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins, co-authors of this book, have done every Catholic a huge favor in bringing this book to print. Utilizing the Bible Timeline, that Jeff Cavins has made famous in his Great Bible Adventure, Walking With God: A Journey through the Bibletakes you through an explanation of the Bible that is as much enjoyable as it is educational. For those unfamiliar, “The Bible Timeline” that Jeff Cavins utilizes concentrates on 14 narrative books of the Bible. They... Read more

January 7, 2013

My Sisters the Saints: A Spiritual Memoir book is clearly geared towards other women as author Colleen Carroll Campbell outlines the trials of her life and how the writings of various saints helped her overcome these. In saying that, I still, as a male, found the book to be a very good read. Colleen is an excellent writer and the book flows nicely and is a relatively easy read at 212 pages long. This book is an autobiographical story of... Read more

December 19, 2012

I must admit when I first picked up Angels All Around Us: A Sightseeing Guide to the Invisible World I was a bit apprehensive but the author really has delivered an excellent read. Anthony DeStefano states that the book is an attempt to render the spiritual world more clearly to the reader. In the first chapter he made the following observation. That once you more familiar with the invisible realities around you will find the following to be true. “1) It... Read more

December 16, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI once again delivers a powerful tome in his third and final volume of the Jesus of Nazareth series. I must admit at first glance I was slightly disappointed when seeing that the book was not even half the size of the previous two volumes. Like they say never judge a book by its cover! Pope Benedict spends part of his time in Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives setting the birth of Christ into the time line... Read more

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