August 14, 2017

“I don’t know, because we all matter to God.” This answer was at best incomplete. It felt dangerously close to the “all lives matter” defense that white people use to keep from listening to people of color. And while I don’t know on an intellectual level why some people think they’re better than others, I struggle with my own internalized racism that comes from forty years of cultural messages and systemic privileges. Read more

August 12, 2017

Fear pervaded Charlottesville, Virginia. But fearlessness, both by those who led the counter-protests and those who walk alongside with the marginalized elsewhere, will always prevail. Even when the hour is darkest, fearlessness prevails. Read more

August 7, 2017

When you look at the world around you, are you filled with despair? Do you see a God-forsaken world? Or, can you see past the worst of the worst, through the darkness, and see the love of God at work in spite of it all? Can you look into the dark void of humanity and see the love of God in Christ moving and reconciling and redeeming? Can you see glimpses of God's Kingdom breaking through? Read more

August 1, 2017

As much as I believe that it is within our abilities and responsibilities as believers to make sure to hold ourselves and other believers accountable for living in ways that God has stated are expected, I think we spend too much time trying to figure out whose “in” and whose “out” when we could be spending time learning ways to love others and be in relationship with them in ways that please God. Read more

August 1, 2017

It’s a beautiful reality: we don’t have to have the same view on all issues, yet we can sit in the same pews and worship the same God. Sadly, this is not the case in all churches. Sometimes there is a political or theological litmus test to pass in order to remain in fellowship with each other. Read more

August 1, 2017

In this conversation, we explore what happens when you fail to lead self, how reframing failure and success prevents some burnout, and the essential quality of gusto (you know, a healthy dose of fortitude). Read more

July 27, 2017

As one of my friends says to church starters and pastors, “The church you pastor isn’t a time capsule—it may look different now from when you started. It may have gone in a direction you didn’t expect, and that’s probably a good thing.” Read more

July 25, 2017

An honest appraisal of the state of the American Church is not for the faint of heart. We are traversing some tumultuous topography indeed and the CBF is no stranger to this. But we do not walk alone. The Good Shepherd accompanies us and longs to lead us to green pastures and still waters to restore our collective soul for his name’s sake. I believe one highly significant way God wants to do this is by leading us back to that which ultimately unites us. Read more

July 20, 2017

I too believe things are bad. I too worry about our country, struggling under the weight of bloated egos and perpetual election cycles. In no way do I wish to trivialize the serious issues before us. But people of faith are by definition people of hope. And being people of hope, we work for provisional solutions within our historical setting. Deep down, however, we know those answers are not ultimate. Our faith teaches us to expect permanent solutions beyond history, from God, not humans. Read more

July 18, 2017

We sat down with Sarah Bessey, author of Jesus Feminist and Out of Sorts. Sarah is a phenomenal writer, as well as self-identified recovering know-it-all and social justice wannabe. Bessey’s writing centers on an honest trek through her theological journey. She creates a safe space for people examining their faith realistically, taking it apart, and reclaiming it in life-giving way. Our conversation centers on exploring her work in Out of Sorts, sticking around in your faith tradition while dealing with tremendous theological differences with that tradition, and some of her upcoming writing. Read more

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