I wrote a piece a little while back about a guy in Espanola, New Mexico, who found the image of Jesus in his tortilla. While that was interesting, this is AWESOME.
My literary agent, Terrie Wolf, and I were chatting it up on the phone recently with the good folks from Chalice Press, publisher of several of my books. They mentioned they were moving into new corporate headquarters, and made some offhand comment about sending them a toaster as a housewarming gift.
Not to miss an opportunity to show her smartass side, Terrie immediately went online and found a company that sells custom toasters. So now you can enjoy your breakfast while having your Lord and Savior staring back at you, asking sternly, “Didst thou taketh thine vitamins today?”
Anyhow, the Chalice Press folks got the toaster, and promptly sent the picture below as a sign of appreciation for the gift:
And the fact that the toaster is called “Daily Bread” just makes it that much more awesomer-er.