Church Sign Epic Fails: Reader Submission Special Edition

Church Sign Epic Fails: Reader Submission Special Edition September 23, 2012

Recently, I got a request from Thomas Nelson publishers to give away ten copies of “Red Letter REvolution,” the new book by Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne, through my various networks. What better way to give then away, I decided, than to solicit church signs from the public at large! And you guys came up with some beauties.

I still have a few copies of the forthcoming book to give away, so if you think you can do better than these, send it my way. If I post your sign on my weekly epic fail post, you win, Simple as that.

So for the first time, I bring you an entirely reader-generated collection of the signs you love to cringe at…

Summing up the biggest trend in American Christian churches today (sigh).
Couldn’t I just get an XBox 360 instead?
Front of the business card…
…and the back. Both equally bad.
Not exactly a church sign, but the giant cordless phone sealed the deal. At least it’s not a bluetooth headset.
That’s a whole lot of dead Jesus right there.
oh yeah, like, the most boring position of them all. Wait, what? Oh, never mind.
I don’t make mistakes…except for spelling ones.
The layers of wrong on this sign remind me a bit of the layers of sediment at an archaeological dig. So, so many.

Church Sign Epic Fails, Miraculous Mashup (Vol. 31)

Church Sign Epic Fails: Holy Kitsch Edition

Church Sign Epic Location Fails (Vol. 29)

Church Sign Epic Fails, WTF Edition

Church Sign Epic Fails, Volume 27

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