September 11, 2020

< PREVIOUS PAGE MIKE GENDRON: “And he must now receive sacraments. He must confess his sins to a priest which is the sacrament of penance. And then he must be rejustified by doing good works, by doing penance (Man on chart struggles as he ascends and descends on the chart). Then he must maintain his salvation through sacraments.” The word ‘sacrament’ is a word used to summarize an act of faith, just like the word ‘Trinity’ is used to summarize... Read more

September 11, 2020

The latest Christian documentary on Netflix has arrived to dismantle the blight of Prosperity Theology that has taken Evangelical culture by storm. American Gospel is a much-needed message to shake up American Christians from their indifference towards a movement that manipulates vulnerable people into tithing with the false expectation of inheriting immense worldly wealth. Unfortunately, the strength of the message it attempts to convey is undermined by its gross misrepresentation of the Catholic faith at the beginning of the film.... Read more

September 5, 2020

A couple of tweets I recently stumbled across comes from a man who is a self-proclaimed Christian advocate for reason, individualism and capitalism. It reads as follows: First Tweet: God’s justice is relentlessly merit-based. Jesus is the ultimate Capitalist, and He would rather see you burn in Hell than give you what you need, unless you confess that you don’t deserve what you need from Him. If you hate Capitalism, you very likely will hate Christ. Second Tweet: If this... Read more

August 28, 2020

I’m sure most of us remember sometime in our adolescence being told by our adult role models that it’s not polite to swear. This would appear to be a seemingly easy task until our little worlds shattered upon hearing them accidentally stub their toe on a piece of furniture or strike their thumb with a hammer — and all the powers of the abyss manifested themselves through the guttural utterance of an unspeakable four-letter word, followed by awkward silence as... Read more

August 18, 2020

Ever since I was little, I’ve always had really bizarre dreams. Growing up in a rural farm community, I vividly remember having frequent dreams of running down the gravel road away from home in hopes to explore the world beyond, only to arrive back at the farm from the other end. In some ways, living in the same place most of my life almost made it difficult to imagine what life must be like outside of my old community —... Read more

August 13, 2020

As I write this, I must say that I did not always identify as politically moderate. I grew up in a fairly conservative household, remained relatively apolitical until I had finished attending Bible school in my early 20’s before I began to slowly veer to the left. As I explored the realms of feminist ideology and issues of race and gender, there were certain things I told myself I would never go back to believing as a conservative. But I... Read more

July 28, 2020

Since I started blogging after my reversion to Catholicism in 2016, one of the topics that fascinates me the most is the significance of Mary in the Bible, her relationship with Jesus and how her role has influenced the development of the Church. My experiences in both Evangelical Protestant and Catholic communities have honed my appreciation for her as someone with a firsthand encounter with God Incarnate as she bore Him, nurtured Him, doted upon Him, raised Him and experienced... Read more

July 26, 2020

When most people hear the term ‘Immaculate Conception,’ the first thing that often comes to mind is how Jesus was born without Original Sin. At first this seems to make sense, since most Christians who adhere to the Apostle’s and Nicene Creed believe He lived a sinless life. However, the moment Jesus was conceived in the womb is rather known as the Incarnation. The term Immaculate Conception was actually coined by the Catholic Church to refer to the Virgin Mary... Read more

July 7, 2020

Earlier this year, the Catholic community had endured the excitement of the Amazonian Synod which was overshadowed by controversy. An icon was introduced by a group from the Amazon region that appeared to be a woman bearing life in her womb. My first impression was it appeared to be an indigenous depiction of the Virgin Mary. Though due to the widespread confusion from various media sources and voices on social media, there was no clear answer as for who the... Read more

June 23, 2020

As a Catholic blogger, I often receive comments from people who may not agree with Catholic doctrine or view Catholicism in a positive light. One of the most harsh criticisms I receive from fundamentalist Protestant Christians is that I’m a part of the largest cult in the history of the world. This is often paired with a plea to ‘return to Christ and leave the church of Rome.‘ I think, for the most part, these people are sincere in their... Read more

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