Last summer I taught a course on the text and theology of Galatians at Regent College (Vancouver, BC). Regent Audio has now made that course available for purchase, and currently they are running a special sale: 50% off! (You must use the discount code: NEWJAN19) ($19.99)
Here is the description for the course:

Paul believed the Galatians had been tempted to buy into a counterfeit gospel, one that led to fear, slavery, and division. Undertake an exegetical and theological study of Paul’s letter to the Galatians, exploring his main point that the Christ-relation is the center of the ‘good news,’ which leads to true peace, empowering freedom, and generous love.
As a special bonus offer, for the first 50 people who order the course, I will send you my own paraphrase of Galatians that I give to my students (pdf form). After you order the course, leave a comment here on the blog. Make sure you register your personal email when you log in to comment, so I can send you the document via email.
The 50% off sale ends February 7, 2019. That is a great deal for a 12-hour course! I have listened to numerous Regent Audio courses by people such as Gordon Fee, Rikk Watts, and John Barclay. They are wonderful for learning while commuting!