My wife, Ashley, and I have interacted with married couples from all over the world. Many of these couples are healthy and thriving, but many others remain stuck in a perpetual state of dysfunction. Some of them have been living in... Read more
My wife, Ashley, and I have interacted with married couples from all over the world. Many of these couples are healthy and thriving, but many others remain stuck in a perpetual state of dysfunction. Some of them have been living in... Read more
Below is a guest post from Rebecca Lindenbach. She’s an exceptional young lady and the kind of person I hope my kids grow up to be like someday, so I’m taking her brilliant advice to heart! So many parents surrender to the naive and false assumption that teenage rebellion is a foregone conclusion, but there is a better way! If you are a parent (or ever plan to be), THIS could change your whole perspective and reshape the way you teach... Read more
Yesterday I was having lunch with a good friend and he said, "Have I ever told you about the day I almost lost my marriage?" I was surprised, because he and his wife seem to have one of the happiest... Read more
Have you ever wondered if it's OK to watch porn together? Read more
She was standing right in front of me but she seemed miles away. There was a deadness in her eyes as she gazed off into the distance. It was as if she had developed a survival mechanism to retreat to a safe place in her mind instead of engaging with reality, but even in her own mind she couldn’t escape the memories that haunted her and still caused her so much pain. Her husband’s expression was different. As he talked... Read more
I recently had the opportunity to preview a new movie called Same Kind of Different as Me which chronicles the remarkable true story of an unlikely friendship between a millionaire art dealer named Ron Hall and a homeless man named Denver Moore. The movie (and the real-life relationship it’s based on) teaches some powerful truths about both the value and the costs of true friendship. As I watched the film, I was mesmerized by the characters and I soon realized... Read more
I have some good friends who are experiencing ongoing tension in their marriage. They seem stuck in a frustrating cycle of miscommunication, hurt feelings and sadness. More than once they've talked seriously about throwing in the towel and going their... Read more
Struggles in life come in all shapes in sizes. Sometimes, there are literal storms with names like "Hurricane Katrina", "Irma" or "Harvey". Sometimes, storms go by names like: "Divorce", "Cancer" or "Depression". Whatever the name of your storm, God has... Read more
When people think of a timeless book that holds the keys to great sex, their first thought might be the Kama Sutra, but I'd argue a better choice would actually be the the Bible. Perhaps it surprises you to think... Read more
“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” –Jesus (Acts 20:35) My wife Ashley and I, along with our twelve-year-old son, Cooper, and a team of a dozen others from our church, just returned from a life-changing trip to serve the children at Casa Shalom Orphanage in Guatemala. The orphanage provides food, shelter, education and LOVE to around one hundred kids who have nowhere else to go. These kids stories are heartbreaking, but their resilience is inspiring. These kids are also the most... Read more