July 11, 2017

A wife's words have the power to build up her husband or to tear him down. Her words are like a "thermostat" that can set the climate for the marriage. We men aren't usually as verbal, BUT words are very... Read more

July 5, 2017

There's been a lot of recent discussion about how "men need respect" and "women need love." This view has gained more attention with the popular book, "Love and Respect," by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. It's a wonderful book and I wholeheartedly... Read more

July 2, 2017

A recent study by social researcher and bestselling author Shaunti Feldhahn revealed that the number one need of most men is the need to feel respected (even above his need for sex). In marriage, most men indicated that feeling respected by... Read more

July 1, 2017

If you've been married longer than an hour, you and your spouse have probably had at least one disagreement. Sometimes, those disagreements can evolve into emotionally-charged arguments and potentially create deep scars in the marriage. Working through disagreements in a productive way is... Read more

June 20, 2017

Years ago there was a popular exercise DVD that claimed to help you get rock-solid abs in just a few minutes per day. I never actually tried the exercise plan to see if it works; plus, I also love ice cream and Mexican food way too much to ever have visible abs! My wife Ashley seems to like my love handles, so I guess I was never that motivated to try to look like a male underwear model. Your life... Read more

June 19, 2017

Early in our marriage, I was hiding an ongoing porn habit from my wife Ashley. When she stumbled on my internet search history, I was busted (and so was her heart and her trust in me). In the years since that incident,... Read more

June 4, 2017

As founders of the Facebook "Marriage" page, my wife Ashley and I have had thousands of interactions with people from all over the world who want to improve their marriages. We share principles which many people have credited with saving their marriages,... Read more

June 2, 2017

There are some things than NO man (married or single) should ever do (like wearing rompers), but there are some specific actions and attitudes that should never happen for married men in particular. As I've interacted with thousands of married... Read more

June 1, 2017

"I wish I knew what was going on in his head!" "Why in world does he do that?" "How can I get him to open up to me?" "What is going on with him?" These are questions I hear all... Read more

May 25, 2017

I have some good friends who are experiencing ongoing tension in their marriage. They seem stuck in a frustrating cycle of miscommunication, hurt feelings and sadness. More than once they've talked seriously about throwing in the towel and going their... Read more

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