5 powerful ways Betsy DeVos will reform education in America

5 powerful ways Betsy DeVos will reform education in America February 10, 2017

3. Will support homeschooling

Ever noticed how homeschooling gets a bad rap? I don’t know why, it’s not like the public school system is working. That’s why more parents are opting to teach their kids at home instead of relying on the state to do it for them. And more kids are thriving in that environment. It’s something DeVos thinks is a great idea:

“We’ve seen more and more people opt for homeschooling, including in urban areas. What you’re seeing is parents who are fed up with their lack of power to do anything about where their kids are assigned to go to school.

“To the extent that homeschooling puts parents back in charge of their kids’ education, more power to them.”


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