Last week, I posted a prayer request for this remarkable man.
Tonight, this comment was left at that post:
The world lost an amazing man today. He has left this life in pursuit of our dreams. As his son, I appreciate everything and every prayer that was spoken or thought. I am flattered at how many people reached out to us during this tough time. I lost my father today but I gained both knowledge and faith seeing who he was to so many people. I hope that one day I can even be a fraction of the father he was to me. Again thank you all.
I love you dad and I always will
On FB, a friend posted:
Our Dear Brother and Friend Rob Jergovic went home to the Father…
We are at loss for words but one of Rob’s favorite verses as he told us once was:
Be Still and Know that I am God. Psalm 46
How blessed we all were to know this humble, saint of a man and share God’s precious Word with him.
Please pray for his wife Lisa and his kids, which include two little girls that were in the process of being adopted from China and were going to brought to the U.S. in a few weeks…they are both deaf.
I didn’t have the privilege of knowing Deacon Jergovic, but I wish I had. The response to that original posting has been almost unprecedented for this blog — it was “liked” or shared on Facebook by over 400 people. Clearly, he was loved and admired by many people, and many more have now come to know him and embrace him in prayer.
Tonight, we pray for him in a special way, and remember as well all those who love him. From the Order of Christian Funerals:
Lord God,
You sent your Son into the world to preach the Good News of salvation and to pour out his Spirit upon your Church.
Look with kindness on your servant Robert.
As a deacon of the Church, he was strengthened by the gift of the Spirit to preach the Good News, to minister in your assembly, and to do the works of charity.
Give him the reward promised to those who show their love of you by service to their neighbor.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him…