August 17, 2017

Steve Doocy, the dumbest man on television, managed to find a guest even dumber than he is. That guest was wingnut columnist Star Parker, who actually claimed that the rainbow gay pride flag is the same thing as the Confederate flag.


September 29, 2015

StarParkerStar Parker, the former “welfare queen” who turned her life around after discovering the Lord and his plan for her to become a screeching, self-righteous moral scold for fun and profit, addressed the Values Voters Summit and delivered a rather unhinged anti-gay diatribe, the favorite kind of diatribe for that crowd of bigots. She says the gays are coming for the children — meaning they’re giving homes to foster kids no one else wants.


February 10, 2015

Okay folks, we have a winner. As the wingnuts fall all over themselves trying to give the most idiotic and hyperbolic overreaction to President Obama’s entirely accurate remarks about religious violence at the National Prayer Breakfast, Star Parker has won. It’s over. No one will top this:


May 20, 2014

Star Parker’s latest Worldnetdaily column declares that “the battle’s not over” on same-sex marriage. She admits that public opinion has shifted dramatically, but her argument isn’t that it’s going to shift back but that not enough black people have been convinced to support equality yet.


March 5, 2014

Star Parker, the self-described former “welfare queen” turned B-list Christian right celebrity, seems to be a very confused person. On the one hand, she says Gov. Brewer was right to veto the right to discriminate bill because it’s wrong to discriminate:


October 30, 2013

Joseph Farah and his mustache did an interview with Star Parker, self-professed former “welfare queen” turned wingnut activist, and she made some truly bizarre statements. She apparently thinks that giving gay people equality has caused people in Europe to stop talking to one another and become zombies.


May 15, 2013

Star Parker, scourge of the immoral and self-declared warrior for “family values,” has a column at the Worldnutdaily welcoming Mark Sanford back to Congress because — wait for it — he’s “principled.” Yes, principled. She writes:


April 13, 2013

Star Parker, self-declared former welfare queen turned right wing pundit, is prone to making pronouncements so extreme and absurd that even her fellow conservatives feel slightly embarrassed for her. Here’s a perfect example, during an episode of Hannity about black conservatives:


May 17, 2012

You’ve probably heard of Star Parker before. She was a walking symbol of everything the religious right things is wrong with America — single mother on welfare who had multiple abortions — until she came to Jesus. And now she writes weekly columns full of stupid and crazy for outlets like the Worldnutdaily. Her latest column contains more of the same:


June 24, 2010

Sarah Palin’s latest campaign endorsement: Uber-nut Star Parker, a Worldnutdaily columnist running for Congress from California. Just how nuts is Parker? RightWingWatch provides only a tiny sample of the lunacy she spews:

When she is not delivering fiery speeches at right-wing conference, Parker has been busy suing the White House over its efforts to rebut misinformation regarding health care reform and warning that marriage equality in Washington DC would lead to the spread of HIV and was akin to thinking “that serving up another glass of wine is the way to help a drunk” all while declaring that “it should concern every American as we watch our nation’s capital city transform officially into Sodom.”


July 18, 2018

Star Parker, one of the many black conservatives so beloved by the wingnutosphere because they provide a thin cover for their racism — see, I have a black friend! — says that soon the ‘B’ on LGBT will stand for bestiality. She provides no evidence or argument for that claim, just literal dehumanization.


August 21, 2015

Tin_foil_hat_2The headline on the front page of the Worldnetdaily screams, “Obama finds legal way to stay in White House?” When you click on it, the headline on the actual article changes to “Michelle Obama to jump in race for president? Rumors run wild about first family finding way to stay in White House.” And then you read the article and what is the basis for these alleged “wild rumors”? This:


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