Taking Some Time to Rest and Write: Cutting back on Letters from the Edge of Elfland

Taking Some Time to Rest and Write: Cutting back on Letters from the Edge of Elfland November 12, 2016

David Russell Mosley

A picture I took of my desk
A picture I took of my desk

Ordinary Time
12 November 2016
The Edge of Elfland

Hudson, New Hampshire

Dear Readers,

As I wrote a few weeks ago, I have begun work on two new books, hope to begin a third, and do some more article work. I had hoped, as I have also written before, that keeping up with these letters five days a week would beget more writing. Sadly, I think these letters are taking a bit too much of my time, especially in conjunction with being a work-from-home dad, who works as an online lecturer. Now, before anyone gets worried (which I find unlikely), I’m not giving up these letters entirely. I’m just going to go down to writing them twice a week (or so), rather than the roughly 5 days a week that I’ve been doing.

Also, to aid with this and other issues, I’m going to be spending a bit less time on social media. I’ve already deleted the Facebook app off my phone, as well as any games other than a couple for my kids. I’m wanting to spend more time reading and writing, as well as more time with my friends and family. So if I seem a little less present online these days it is because I hope to be a little more present to God, myself, my wife, and my children. I want to have a more intentional life, and I’ve been taking stock of the habits and rituals I’ve been letting unconsciously form me. I’m hoping to stop the bad habits and replace them with good ones. More on that some other time.

I’ve also been very tired lately, finding it hard to find the motivation to work, to do more than the most basic, necessary functions. I’m hoping to change that, to take up practices, habits, that will soothe my soul, that will give me rest, peace. But I can’t do that if I’m spending all my time trying to write and gain a following so I can make some money writing, or if I’m spending all my free time on my phone playing games or checking Facebook. I want to lead an intentional life. We’re called to be saints, and its time I started trying to act like one (though without God’s grace I, of course, won’t get very far).

I want to encourage all of you as well to be more present. If you’re anything like me (and I pray you are not, with a few exceptions), it can be very easy to let certain aspects of technology take over your life without even noticing. Technology can be good and can help us to be present in one another’s lives, but only if we use it intentionally. Using it unintentionally will likely end in our detriment.

Blessings on you all as we approach Advent.


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