Cascade of Consciousness

Cascade of Consciousness May 11, 2011

Is it not unbelievable how long it can take to recover after being gone for a week?

I have over 125 unread emails in my inbox.  This is NOT the way I do business, y’all!  I like to wipe the email slate clean everyday.  Ugh.

I am feeling the tug of junk hanging over my head…

~laundry and housework (but let’s just be honest, when aren’t those things hanging over our heads)?

~I am ridiculously behind on several product reviews.  Eight, to be exact. Ugh.

~I was given three books to read and review.  I have read one: Reluctant Pilgrim: A Moody, Somewhat Self-Indulgent Introvert’s Search for Spiritual Community by: Enuma Okoro –my new friend via Twitter/FB!

It really is a fabulous book and I can’t wait to write a review for it, but I’ve been uber-busy & I want the review to be fitting of such an awesome book.

Dave, yes the hubs, started The Missional Mom & loves it.  He’s been talking a lot lately about potentially wanting to become a homeschooling Dad.  (?!?!)  I told him he could then write the book, “The Missional Dad.” =) (fyi: The Missional Mom is not about homeschooling at all).

Anyway, I’ve wanted to read it, but I’ve been too busy.

~The hubs and I really need to sit down and plan out our new summer week-to-week schedule, and decide our summer plans, and decide our summer budget, etc.  Does anyone out there just LOVE having planning conversations with your hubby?

If you do, I’ll PAY YOU $500 BIG ONES to come to my house and have these conversations with Dave.


~I wrote a poem last week that I really like and want to share here or enter in some random poetry contest, but it needs editing and I haven’t gotten around to it because I just feel a little busy.

~Were doing some decorative renovations in our backyard, screened-in sun-porch, which I’m excited about, but when I started to put together the book shelf for it last night, I *sighed* & gave up, because I was just too tired.

~I have yet to open the mail for the last two weeks or pay a single bill for the month.  The thought of it makes me, *yawn* too tired.

~I have three drafts of three really great posts I want to do: one on racial issues, one on babies/mothers and one on the pros and cons of going to seminary, but I’m feeling a bit tired, y’all.

I also REALLY want to do a post about my last week up North because it was just magical.

~I’ve been dreaming up a post about “why I love being on InterVarsity staff,” but it’s still in dream-state.

~I need to do a post I promised for site I guest post for.  Due May 9.  Ugh.

~I have been downright BOMBARDED with inspiration and memories that I’m working on for my memoir.  I’ve been giving this precedence being so afraid that if I don’t record this now I’ll forget.  I’ve never had such a long stretch (since late Feb.) that I’ve been plowed over by BOTH writing inspiration AND motivation —-so you can see why I’ve wanted to capitalize on it!  However, I’m getting behind on all my other stuff.  And I feel tired.  And busy.

On the other hand, it’s been so amazing watching it come together.  It’s taking shape in exciting ways.

I’ve been reading the books, Fearless Confessions: A Writer’s Guide to Memoir by: Sue William Silverman & Shimmering Images: A Handy Little Guide to Writing Memoir by Lisa Dale Norton.  I read them both via Kindle on my Kindle iphone app. If I’m out and about or just have 10 minutes to blow, I’ll pull it up and read a little on my phone.    Both of these books are so freaking helpful for all of us budding memoir-ists out there!

Seriously.  Buy them.

~Last but not least, I’m leading a a year long team on white privilege and I have a lot to do for that.

So, in lieu of all these things, I should get a move on while my kiddo’s are in pre-school! =)

How about you?  Are you feeling behind?  What types of things do you need to get a move on?  Someone PLEASE inspire me!


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