Restoring the Soul of North Carolina

Restoring the Soul of North Carolina October 16, 2020

North Carolina is one of the tightest races for president in the country, and evangelicals voting for Biden/Harris will be a big part of them winning the state.

Flipping 5% of white evangelicals from Trump to Biden could be the difference:

  • 38% of adults who voted in 2016 were white evangelicals.

  • 25% supported Obama in 2008 (1% better than his national average), but only 17% supported Clinton in 2016.

We’ve definitively got some room to grow the evangelical support for Joe Biden.  But it’s not about winning a political race.  As Joe Biden says, he’s running to restore the soul of our nation, to see that everyone is treated with dignity, to bring back kindness and compassion.  As Mr. Biden says: “We can do this!”

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