(Reposted with permission.) Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment isn’t an earth-shattering document. It’s instead a timely reminder that humanity has collective rights and responsibilities. As Catholics, the right to life and the responsibility to protect and promote life are of paramount concern. Pope Francis realizes attacks to life come in a variety of forms. Inflicting harm on our common home is one such threat to life. Through the encyclical on the environment, Pope Francis is reminding the world truths... Read more
Verses vs. Verses: Same-sex marriage dialogue continues post-SCOTUS decision
The June 26, 2015 SCOTUS decision on same-sex marriage didn’t settle the issue. Last month, NYT’s Laurie Goodstein wrote a profile on Matthew Vines, a young, gay Christian writer and activist who works to elucidate an alternative understanding of the LGBTQ community to Christian conservatives (primarily Evangelicals). After coming to terms with his own sexuality, Vines left Harvard in 2010 to study what the Bible says about same-sex relationships and how modern Christians could offer a message of inclusion. Vines... Read more