April 22, 2021

One of the striking things about The Chosen is the way it casually incorporates physical and developmental disabilities into its dramatization of the gospels. Read more

April 2, 2021

How often have life-of-Jesus movies made use of "red letter" passages from outside of the gospels? Read more

March 31, 2021

Political and religious conflict is brewing in the first-ever multi-season series about Jesus. Read more

March 26, 2021

This re-edited version of A.D. The Bible Continues makes the Resurrection of Jesus the hinge point of human history -- and it has some interesting bits of new footage, to boot. Read more

March 17, 2021

The first episode of the new season is coming out Easter weekend. The rest of the season... will follow at an irregular pace. Read more

February 26, 2021

In which Poitier plays newly-elected South African president Nelson Mandela, and he finishes his big-screen career with one last portrayal of an FBI agent. Read more

February 25, 2021

Poitier reunites with River Phoenix and James Earl Jones in a film about computer hackers, and he stars in one last Western for television. Read more

February 24, 2021

In which Poitier sits in the director's chair one last time, and then plays a civil-rights hero in his first TV production since the 1950s. Read more

February 23, 2021

Poitier stepped in front of the camera for the first time in over a decade in back-to-back movies about FBI agents. Read more

February 22, 2021

In which Poitier plays matchmaker to Gene Wilder and Gilda Radner, and then makes a movie to cash in on the break-dance craze. Read more

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