A callous playboy politician sexually assaulting interns while charismatically campaigning for votes. Scores of accusations and victims stretching over several decades. Allegations from victims of bullying and intimidation by his cold and calculating wife. This is the stuff of the latest HBO Sunday night drama, right?
Wrong. It is the true history of Bill Clinton’s shadowy past. While Saturday Night Live sketches and Slick Willy’s schtick tempts us to think of the former President as a flirtatious statesman, the stories themselves remind us of just how dark the allegations truly were.
Last week, even Vox’s Dylan Matthews wrote an explainer reminding readers of the rape allegations against Bill Clinton, specifically Juanita Broaddrick’s claim that Clinton raped her during his 1978 campaign for Arkansas Governor.
David French at National Review writes of the story:
I must admit, when I clicked this morning on Vox’s ”explainer” of Juanita Broaddrick’s rape allegation against Bill Clinton, I expected a whitewash. I was wrong. Not only did Dylan Matthews do an excellent job laying out the story, he reminded me of a number of details I’d forgotten.
Her story is infuriating, painting a picture of casual, callous brutality. Broaddrick, then a Clinton gubernatorial campaign volunteer, claims that Clinton asked to switch a planned meeting from a hotel lobby to her hotel room. After a few minutes of small talk, Broaddrick says that Clinton began kissing her. She resisted Clinton’s advances, but he “pulled her back onto the bed and forcibly had sex with her.” During the alleged attack, he bit her lip. When he saw that it was bruised and swollen, she claims he said, “You better get some ice on that.” Then he “put on his sunglasses and walked out the door.”
And Matthews goes on to remind us of the allegations against Hillary herself:
About six months after her initial interviews in 1999, Broaddrick told the Drudge Report that mere weeks after the alleged assault, Hillary Clinton had tried to thank her for her silence on the matter at a political rally:
“[Hillary] came directly to me as soon as she hit the door. I had been there only a few minutes, I only wanted to make an appearance and leave. She caught me and took my hand and said ‘I am so happy to meet you. I want you to know that we appreciate everything you do for Bill.’ I started to turn away and she held onto my hand and reiterated her phrase — looking less friendly and repeated her statement — ‘Everything you do for Bill’. I said nothing. She wasn’t letting me get away until she made her point. She talked low, the smile faded on the second thank you. I just released her hand from mine and left the gathering.”
It is about time that America is reminded of the accusations against Bill Clinton across multiple decades.
Enough people spoke out about America’s Dad, Bill Cosby, and his decades of drugging and raping vulnerable women looking up to him as a role model.
It’s time to do the same thing for Bill the American President as well.
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